Poblanos. How they grow!

Just wanted to brag a bit, since this is my first season growing. I realize that this isn't a huge deal, but i'm happy to see just how much my poblanos are growing. 
Here is the plant the day I took it home (May 30).

(I bought it as an Anaheim, but lo and hehold, dern thing grew poblanos.)
June 13, after up-potting: 


This morning: 

And one of the peppers:

I know I've got a ways to go until ripe, and that this isn't a huge deal, but as I said, just feeling good that this thing has gotten so big under my care.  :dance:
I grew them last year and had 3 harvests from the one plant. It was really productive. I made a delicious pablano soup that everyone liked at my home.
I picked my first ones this past weekend, and we'll have chile rellenos this evening. I picked about a dozen off my three plants. Half of them had already ripened to red. Your poblano soup recipe sounds interesting.
SavinaRed said:
 I made a delicious pablano soup that everyone liked at my home.
Please share! trying to figure out what to do with these guys. Will probably only get 1, maybe 2 harvests here in zone 2. This is still the first batch. 
Wish my serrano (seen on the right in that second-to-last shot) were as big. That said, it's spitting out a good chuck o' peppers. Just need 'em to ripen-up! 
juanitos said:
looks good, you should do this like i did last year.
Looks delicious! I'm thinking a sausage/ bacon/ cheese/ eggs stuffing :D
SL3 said:
Nice! I wish my Anaheim's would produce some Poblanos.  :D
I'm kind of sad; was looking forward to stressing the As to get them on the hotter side. That said, the pobs are better for stuffing, so I'll take 'em. ^_^
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Nice looking plant. You should consider overwintering it. Short growing seasons can be super productive when the plant is ready to set pods the day the frost is gone. My plants i carried over from last winter were ripening their second round of pods by the time this years plants were starting to bud. Excellent articles on this site on how to over winter. I prefer bonchi. Look good and very easy to keep alive. When spring comes i threw it into a new pot and it exploded
Nice looking plant. You should consider overwintering it. Short growing seasons can be super productive when the plant is ready to set pods the day the frost is gone. My plants i carried over from last winter were ripening their second round of pods by the time this years plants were starting to bud. Excellent articles on this site on how to over winter. I prefer bonchi. Look good and very easy to keep alive. When spring comes i threw it into a new pot and it exploded

Thanks! Definitely already planning that. Bought a thai hot explicitly to make it into a bonchi. Will see how useful the poblano is in the kitchen. Have a feeling that, with my limited space, the jalapeño and/ or Serrano will take precedence. But I'll certainly try to OW all 6 of my varieties.
Good luck bud. If your successful the result is an amazing spring. I will be over wintering my Red Savina Hab again this year. Which is the first pepper I have ever grown. It is kind of awesome to still have my first pepper. Not sure how many more years it should be productive, but I will keep it alive as long as I can. Maybe once the production stops I will just keep it in bonchi form until it dies
LordHill said:
Maybe once the production stops I will just keep it in bonchi form until it dies
What are you potting it in as a bonchi? Soil mix? How do you water? etc etc haha

Worried i'll drown any i try to bonsai. 
I layered small pebbles in the bottom of my bonchi pot. Then a thin layer of composted chicken poop (its what I had) .. then the pepper and topped it with fox farm potting soil. It drained very well, and with the small amount of soil it would be very hard to over water. I had to water it about twice a week. Like when its a full pepper, I just water when they look thirsty
LordHill said:
Good luck bud. If your successful the result is an amazing spring. I will be over wintering my Red Savina Hab again this year. Which is the first pepper I have ever grown. It is kind of awesome to still have my first pepper. Not sure how many more years it should be productive, but I will keep it alive as long as I can. Maybe once the production stops I will just keep it in bonchi form until it dies
how old is your red savina ?