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pod-i.d. Pod ID -Supposed to be Carolina reaper

I bought Carolina reaper, Trinidad scorpion and Bhut Jolokia seeds off a guy online.

This was supposed to be a Carolina reaper but looks different to me. Is it a cross or maybe did the seeds get mixed up and it's actually a scorpion or something else?

All three pics are from same plant.


First pod starting to turn color



:welcome: to THP
First pic looks like it's trying to decide to go either red or brown. Some online guys really don't know what they're selling. Others just don't care. Best case scenario is you got seed from a cross-pollinated reaper.
Whatever it is it looks like you gonna get a fair amount of heat.
The good news is you came to the right place for your next round of seeds. Check the vendor section and keep on the lookout for seed trains.
Thanks for the replies. Luckily out of the 3 different types of seeds I received (Reaper, Bhut, and Scorpion) I grew two plants of each. I do have true pods of each mentioned, plus this weird cross of sort. I've already picked up some seeds for next year from pepperlover.com, so at least I have a better chance of getting true pods.
thanks again, 