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Pod issue, any ideas?

Found my oldest, supposedly, White Bhut pod with a little funk on it today. Below are the pictures of the outside and of the inside...




Any ideas?

Calcium is something I never considered as they get dosed 2tsp/gal every other day not to mention the tap water here is heavy with calcium as well. I'll bump it up and see what happens.

On this plant? Nope.. it's one of the best looking plants I have... no signs at all leaf wise of a calcium issue

looks like BER to me too...
It was just that one pod out of I dunno.. 15-20ish... I didn't notice any small holes, then again I wasn't looking for any at the time and I've since thrown it out.

Here are pictures of the White Bhut as of five minutes ago... You can see why I'm thinking there is another issue causing it besides lack of calcium.




Even if your tap water is high in calcium, it doesn't mean it's readily available to your plants. Hit it with some cal-mag and it should smarten up
they get dosed 2tsp/gal every other day

My fault I wasn't a little more clear, but the 2tsp/gal is in reference to Cal-Mag. The soil pH is roughly around 7.0 and the water is adjusted to pH 6.0 before it ever touches my plants, I don't see lock out being the issue. If it was a lock out issue or just not enough cal was available would I not see this on multiple pods and seen deformed funky new growth before this?

I find it very odd that one single pod has this problem. BER rarely does just one. Plus the regular feeding of calcium and the good pH suggests something other than BER. I still go with some type of bug, right or wrong. If it doesn't happen anymore call if a one time thing and move on. If it happens again look for holes. Good luck.