pod with hole?

i walk out to check on my pods and touch a small one and it fell off and go and inspect it and theres a hole in it i cut it open to find no bug inside
i need to know if my other pods are in danger this is the  first and only i found with a hole. if it helps it recently rained and has been coldish and cloudy for a couple days now
 Could be a bird, a creepy crawly, stink bug. Naw, kinda too big for a stink bug. Most likely bird or caterpillar. Have you opened up the pod to see if anything is inside? 
i think i found the bug responsible because i have never seen this bug before and its knida large i dont know how i missed it. and i have no idea what it is and i also found black sticky smudges on my pods also
 Man that thing looks part stink bug,part roach, and part box elder. Hopefully someone will chime in on what it is. 
Last year I got some of the same type of holes NPG.  Cut open the pods and found a few of these: https://www.google.com/search?q=earwig&rlz=1C1FDUM_enUS473US473&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eZ_gUb6mLeGfyQHf0oHgBA&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=649#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=mQty_fc6b21yoM%3A%3BrEYHf6HCuRGy6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.hdwallpapersfan.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F01%252FEarwig-5.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.hdwallpapersfan.com%252Fearwig-wallpapers.html%3B500%3B345
(sorry for long link)
They are earwigs, and they ate their way into my poblanos and anehiems.  It wasn't fun, lost about 1/3 of my crop.  They didn't get into all my peppers - just a bed on the se side of the house.  Good luck
newpeppergrower1105 said:
Does it eat aphids because if it does I regret killing it

Assassin bugs are the best! 

Got a few with the same, and larger holes.
Always the thin skinned ones, and they leave nothing inside----literally----empty shell.
As long as they don't get agressive with their munching, I am willing to share.
For the present.
Found a hole in one of my Dorsets recently.  Opened it up but found no bug.  Coulda been earwigs, I guess.  I tossed it out back in the city drainage ditch so if I missed it it wouldn't get on anything else.
now that im searching i keep finding earwigs and lots of them is there some natural pesticide for them? because i have some strong pesticides but it basicly kills every bug even good ones
newpeppergrower1105 said:
That's a bummer. How did you get rid of them?
It is a bummer.  The bed that the earwigs got into was near my neighbor's house where he has a lot of wood mulch and firewood stacked against the fence.  I didn't plant peppers there this year (garlic instead) and thus far the far beds where I planted the peppers this year are looking pretty good. 
I figure working with the habitat and switching sites for the plants was better than spraying poisons.  