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Pods not changing color


I have had a strange development with one of my plants. There are a few pods on the plant and none of them have yet to change color. The thing is they have been on the plant a couple of weeks. They have reached thier full size a while ago. What could cause this?
What variety are we talking about? My bhuts took somewhere in the range of 6 weeks this year to get from pollination to ripe. It probably takes about 3 weeks once they are full size for them to become ripe. My cayennes turn red within 2 weeks of becoming full size. There are a lot of factors but variety is the most important one in order to answer your question.
make sure they are getting a lot of sun! The sun is key to getting them ripe! First pods always take the longest to ripen as well
I lost some pods like that cut one open see if they are rotting on the inside, lots of rain then high heat and dry weather.
The other peppers I have usually turn color soon after full size. These are taking longer but they arent really in full sun either. Maybe thats what they need.
The other peppers I have usually turn color soon after full size. These are taking longer but they arent really in full sun either. Maybe thats what they need.

yes, it's what it needs is some good full sun, yesterday I had my plant out and full sun and I was watching the pods start to change color right before my eyes
Sure they need sun. But, since I have been growing peppers, especially supers, they can take anywhere from 3-5 weeks to ripen AFTER they become full-size.
Yeah, mine are taking just as long DD. Mine do not get full sun all day long. So They are taking extra long to ripen up. I've had pods at full size for 4-6 weeks and they still are not ripe. So you are not alone in this experience.
Even in full sun I find most chinense take about 4 weeks after reaching full size then later in the season it's reduced to about 3 weeks, but hard to keep track later in the season as there are so many of them. Then there are the plants I pull up and hang in the garage at the end of the season when I can't fight the cold weather any longer, some of those end up rotting before they ripen, it's just too cold to get it to happen.
I am growing about 16 different types of peppers this year and only a few of my chinese plants have started to ripe (been about 4-5 weeks). I get about 10-12 hours a sun a day as well. Sometimes they just take longer....
My first pepper which was a cayenne just now turned red. Took like 5 weeks.

I hope the others redden quicker than the first! Plants look badass with red peppers
One year I grew tabascos in coffee cans and the darn things took about 8 weeks to ripen! I thought I had some mutant species that only gets orange instead of red but no, they were just a PITA variety.
I ran into the same issue with my De Arbol peppers as well. Once they hit their full size it took a couple of the pods the better part of a month to fully change color, and very nearly jumped the gun by picking them way too early. Fortunately, I asked as well, and was also advised to wait. Less than two day after asking, the first of the peppers initiated the color change. Now I have 4 De Arbols to use as a base for some salsas and hot sauces I wanna make in the coming weeks. So yeah, wait and you'll see them start to change color sooner rather than later.