Police raids pepper growers in Finland

Well i felt that i had to make a thread about this to let you guys know what its like to grow peppers in Finland...

Couple weeks ago there was this news that the owners of one growing supply store chain were suspected to "advancing drug crime" (not sure how to translate these legal terms...) They were selling fully legit growing supplies like hydro systems, nutrients, ph stuff, etc and ofcourse the police thought that it cant be used to grow any other plant than cannabis... :crazy:

Police dig out all the info about customers who bought something from those three stores at october and december 2009 and raided about 150 houses! Well they did find some cannabis growers (obviously!) but also several innocent pepper growers were raided. Just in case that they decide to remove the story i post it here.

"Tactics used by police raiding homes of suspected growers of cannabis are raising controversy. Many people growing legal plants have had their houses raided, and the matter has sparked intense online debate.

The Parliamentary Ombudsman gets about 20 complaints a year about police searches. In January this year there were already five.

YLE interviewed Mikko, a cook by profession, who grows chilli peppers at home.

In the autumn, he was stopped as he was leaving a gardening supplies store. Plainclothes police said that he was suspected of a drug crime. The police drove him to his home where they conducted a search.

“It was an ordinary day. I went to the Viherpeukku shop, where I bought PH powder. When I walked out, two plainclothes police stopped me. They wanted to see what I was growing.”

It was the first time that Mikko has had any dealings with the police.

“The treatment was quite businesslike, but the legal aspect makes me wonder. Is this really permissible, to allow someone’s home life to be interfered with on such a flimsy basis.”

Home searches require the authorisation of a high-ranking police officer. Upon request from the target of the raid, the police are required to supply a report on the action within about two weeks. Mikko got his over a month later, after several requests.

The search was linked with the investigation into the activities of the now-defunct Viherpeukku. Police suspect that the company, with shops in Tampere and Helsinki, sold goods for the cultivation of cannabis. A total of 150 home searches were conducted in connection with the investigation.

The investigation has raised considerable controversy. Police raids on buyers of gardening supplies have been criticised as a misplaced priority in a situation in which organised crime should be would require more police attention."


In Finland the police doesnt need any kind of warrant to get in your house! They can get it after the search. If they decide to suspect that you are growing cannabis they will make a search... Even yellowish light shining from your window is enough to get raided! Stupidest thing in this is that the*police doesnt seem to separate peppers from cannabis and i've read some articles about people coming home from work and noticing that their peppers have been took away. Also we have a great law here... We call it the "flower pot law". Basically everyone who owns flower pots can be suspected of "trying to produce illegal drug"!

What were the reasons to suspect that if you buy growing supplies you automatically are growing something illegal? If i buy a kitchen knife it doesnt mean that im going to kill someone! What about bigger stores? They sell all kinds of growing supplies too!

Im really interested to know what you guys feel about this!
I wonder if they've ever raided Fatalii's house...:P

Here in the UK, police tend to use thermal imaging sensors on their helicopters to look for houses giving off a high level of heat compared to other houses in the neighbouhoods (a sign someone is using the house as a greenhouse for cannabis farming), and they will do frequent raids, but I believe they have to have warrants to search the premises.

Unless they believe you may be growing chillies to support the subvertive actions of terrorists...then you're in trouble. :P

I should point out Liverpool has had at least one university library raided by SRT...I wonder if they were looking for my chillies?... :lol:
Years ago I had a mate who got raided for dealing drugs, and would you believe, they stripped his backyard of all the weeds growing there (and no, not weed, but literally weeds).

You would think the drug squad would have some idea what cannabis looks like, wouldn't you?? :crazy:

But yeah man, that is so screwed up!
Yeah I have seen the thing chombo was talking about but they need a warrant at least here. That defiantly is not right but not much can stop them. Hopefully fatalii makes it out alright becasue he has greenhouses doesn't he? Gasp probably some weed between those jolokias huh?
Well i felt that i had to make a thread about this to let you guys know what its like to grow peppers in Finland...

Couple weeks ago there was this news that the owners of one growing supply store chain were suspected to "advancing drug crime" (not sure how to translate these legal terms...) They were selling fully legit growing supplies like hydro systems, nutrients, ph stuff, etc and ofcourse the police didn't care that it can be used to grow any other plant than cannabis...

Police dig out all the illegal info about customers who bought something legally from those three stores at october and december 2009 and raided about 150 houses! Well they did find some cannabis growers (obviously!) but also several innocent pepper growers were raided and refused their rights. Just in case that they decide to remove the story i post it here.

"Tactics used by police raiding homes of suspected growers of cannabis are raising controversy. Many people growing legal plants have had their houses raided their privacy invaded and their god given rights raped, and the matter has sparked intense online debate.

The Parliamentary Ombudsman gets about 20 complaints a year (heaps more than this but they go under-reported) about police searches. In January this year there were already five.

YLE interviewed Mikko, a cook by profession, who grows chilli peppers at home.

In the autumn, he was stopped as he was leaving a gardening supplies store. Plainclothes police (leeches) said that he was suspected of a drug crime (like they are squicky clean). The police drove him to his home where they conducted a search.

“It was an ordinary day. I went to the Viherpeukku shop, where I bought PH powder. When I walked out, two plainclothes police stopped me. They wanted to see what I was growing.” (With no proof they railroaded me into letting them search my personal space)

It was the first time that Mikko has had any dealings with the police.

“The treatment was quite businesslike, but the legal aspect makes me wonder. Is this really permissible, to allow someone’s home life to be interfered with on such a flimsy basis.”

Home searches require the authorisation of a high-ranking police officer (butt kisser). Upon request from the target of the raid, the police are required to supply a report on the action within about two weeks. Mikko got his over a month later, after several requests.

The search was (bullshit) linked with the investigation into the activities of the now-defunct Viherpeukku. Police suspect that the company, with shops in Tampere and Helsinki, sold goods for the cultivation of cannabis. A total of 150 home searches were conducted in connection with the (invasion of privacy) investigation.

The investigation has raised considerable controversy. Police raids on buyers of gardening supplies have been criticised as a misplaced priority in a situation in which organised crime should be would require more police attention."

Edit: Theres my take.
if I were in Finland, they probably would have already raided my house...on top of using my local Hydro shop for fertilize, cell starting trays, etc, my electric bill spikes January-March...at the end of february, I am running almost 2516 Watts lighting + fan + two heaters 24/7. Two out of the last three years in late spring (last of May or first of June), I have had a police helicoptor hover over my house...the first time I was out tending my tomato plants...they were nearly 6' tall a the time and had small tomatos on them...I heard the coptor comin' and watched it...I could see the guy on the left side of the coptor with binoculars looking directly at me...I reached over and took two tomatos about the size of golf balls in my hand, looked up at the coptor, pointed at the green tomatos and mouthed the word (TOMATOS)..they took off...that was three years ago...last spring about the same time, I was taking a nap on an off Friday and when I got up, the wife asked me why I thought a helicoptor would be hovering over our house...I told her she should have woke me up where I could Ef with them... :rofl:

I keep on waiting until they knock on the door with a search warrant...I will gladly invite them in and have them sample some of the pepper products from last year...
AlabamaJack said:
I will gladly invite them in and have them sample some of the pepper products from last year...
And next thing we know, AJ is in jail for assulting an officer with a pepper. LMAO!!!
AlabamaJack said:
if I were in Finland, they probably would have already raided my house...on top of using my local Hydro shop for fertilize, cell starting trays, etc, my electric bill spikes January-March...at the end of february, I am running almost 2516 Watts lighting + fan + two heaters 24/7. Two out of the last three years in late spring (last of May or first of June), I have had a police helicoptor hover over my house...the first time I was out tending my tomato plants...they were nearly 6' tall a the time and had small tomatos on them...I heard the coptor comin' and watched it...I could see the guy on the left side of the coptor with binoculars looking directly at me...I reached over and took two tomatos about the size of golf balls in my hand, looked up at the coptor, pointed at the green tomatos and mouthed the word (TOMATOS)..they took off...that was three years ago...last spring about the same time, I was taking a nap on an off Friday and when I got up, the wife asked me why I thought a helicoptor would be hovering over our house...I told her she should have woke me up where I could Ef with them... :rofl:

I keep on waiting until they knock on the door with a search warrant...I will gladly invite them in and have them sample some of the pepper products from last year...

They won't bother you Ronnie, hell "DON'T TAZE ME BRO", has nothing on "So do you like peppers"? :hell:
AlabamaJack said:
I keep on waiting until they knock on the door with a search warrant...I will gladly invite them in and have them sample some of the pepper products from last year...

You could become their supplier for 'police grade pepper spray' :cool:

Someone I know who works for Merseyside Police told me they were moving into capsaicin based pepper sprays. I told him 'you could get some from my plant in the library.' :)
Aji Chombo said:
You could become their supplier for 'police grade pepper spray' :cool:

Someone I know who works for Merseyside Police told me they were moving into capsaicin based pepper sprays. I told him 'you could get some from my plant in the library.' :)

I wonder what pepper they use for that spray? I bet its an easy to grow pepper that is very abundant.
I think I heard that they use either Orange habs or Red Savinas...
I use my debit card sometimes at the local hydro store soo if police did want to raid me they probably would. also i have had choppers flying over my house repeatedly when im pruning and inspecting. The police really should focus theyre energy on more important things not some one that MIGHT have a weed plant or two. Go after the serious drugs crack cocaine etc... I would be absolutely livid if i was raided which i could actually see that happening to me cuz my indoor light last out my windows at night pretty obvious i have something growing indoors. I wish florida amongst other places would allow the a certain amount of plants per household I believe alot of crime would decrease. makes me want to move to california. in mass it is just a 80 dollar fine if caught with under an ounce. They need to raid Gang territorys where theyre are murders and shootings and prostitution
Some of the raids i've seen here in Liverpool (for skunk) have produced close to 100 mature plants from tiny little terraced houses.:shocked:

Makes you wonder what the ultra-serious chile head could do with a house and the right growing setup...:cool:

Plus you could always sell dried Bhuts to the street gangs as 'the new high' AND sell them to police for pepper spray! Corner both markets, I say! :P
Noshownate said:
I use my debit card sometimes at the local hydro store soo if police did want to raid me they probably would. also i have had choppers flying over my house repeatedly when im pruning and inspecting. The police really should focus theyre energy on more important things not some one that MIGHT have a weed plant or two. Go after the serious drugs crack cocaine etc... I would be absolutely livid if i was raided which i could actually see that happening to me cuz my indoor light last out my windows at night pretty obvious i have something growing indoors. I wish florida amongst other places would allow the a certain amount of plants per household I believe alot of crime would decrease. makes me want to move to california. in mass it is just a 80 dollar fine if caught with under an ounce. They need to raid Gang territorys where theyre are murders and shootings and prostitution not some one would wants to kick back watch a movie drink a beer eat some poppers and smoke a doobie.

Yep. They need to leave us lovers of the leaf alone and go pick up all them illegal stading on the side of the road waving people down for work. They are actually screaming "here we are" yet they need helecopters to stop a little grass smoking. UFB
This is some crazy crap. Good luck when they come crashing through your door nobios.

AJ, I wonder how the cops know you're electricity bill is skyrocketing those few months? Power company giving you up voluntarily or do you think the cops are asking? I think having the helicopter hovering over my house would seriously piss me off. They want to know what I'm growing come knock on my door and ask. Nosy bastages.
with the power of the computer today and the power companies being essentially public domain, it is easy for law enforcement to see who is using more power than they should be...

and I just love to ef with the people in the helicoptors...

when you aren't breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about