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Police raids pepper growers in Finland

patrick said:
This is some crazy crap. Good luck when they come crashing through your door nobios.

AJ, I wonder how the cops know you're electricity bill is skyrocketing those few months? Power company giving you up voluntarily or do you think the cops are asking? I think having the helicopter hovering over my house would seriously piss me off. They want to know what I'm growing come knock on my door and ask. Nosy bastages.

Thermal imaging is the giveaway if you're using up that much juice. Plus if you live in an area where they've done raids before, it pretty much means you're in a zone that will always have 'copters hovering about snooping.
AlabamaJack said:
with the power of the computer today and the power companies being essentially public domain, it is easy for law enforcement to see who is using more power than they should be...

and I just love to ef with the people in the helicoptors...

when you aren't breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about

I dont think the cops are going to raid your house today, I hear yall are having record snow today
Aji Chombo said:
Thermal imaging is the giveaway if you're using up that much juice. Plus if you live in an area where they've done raids before, it pretty much means you're in a zone that will always have 'copters hovering about snooping.

In AJ's case he is not using the big heat producing HID's. I dont know that his setup produces much for the police's thermal imaging cameras to look at. I could be wrong, I certainly dont know much about the thermal camera. I dunno.
Wow that is horrible. I would sue the hell out of them if they raided my place without a search warrant. If they said let me see what your growing I would place a call to my lawyer who would shut down any of that type of BS harassment in a second. I know that they can't use hydro customers name or thermal imaging here in cali to obtain a search warrant so i'm not worried about that. I often wondered if they had me under the radar because I had a ton of plants on the patio, and I run multiple HID lights in empty closets and I would always see the helicopters flying in circles around my place. The funny part about it is if they did raid my place they would notice that all of my equipment came directly from them so I know they are making bust somewhere here in cali ;)
I live in Upstate New York USA and I have had my apartment searched by the police twice over the last three years because of my growing room which is near a window to get some morning sun.
This happens quite a bit here in my part of florida, we have alot of cannabis grow house busts in my area do to the the fact theres alot of forclosed homes that have been turned into grow houses etc, a friend of mine of was recently visted by the local police because an asshole neighbor called the cops and said he suspected his house was a grow house because of the rain barrels and other "growing" stuff in the yard. now he didnt get raided but an officer stopped by to "look around". Im waiting for the knock on my door as well lol :)
LGHT said:
Wow that is horrible. I would sue the hell out of them if they raided my place without a search warrant. If they said let me see what your growing I would place a call to my lawyer who would shut down any of that type of BS harassment in a second. I know that they can't use hydro customers name or thermal imaging here in cali to obtain a search warrant so i'm not worried about that. I often wondered if they had me under the radar because I had a ton of plants on the patio, and I run multiple HID lights in empty closets and I would always see the helicopters flying in circles around my place. The funny part about it is if they did raid my place they would notice that all of my equipment came directly from them so I know they are making bust somewhere here in cali ;)

We have the same deal here in florida, helicopters flying around at night and all, my belief is they are still using hydro customers names and thermal imaging, to "mark" suspects then they put you under surveillence or trump something up to get a search warrant, but dont think for one minute that they still dont use thermal cameras, cause they do, they just need to get creative in obtaining a warrant after they target you.
Yeah it seems it only takes a few bad eggs to taint the whole recipe. I have never grown anything illegal, but I have been told that grow houses have a certain odor to them that can be smelled from the street sometimes. Thermal imagining is an invasion of privacy IMO. I have seen on TV shows where they use the copters with image cams to locate the grow houses, the image is quite interesting to see, but if you are throwing off that much heat and growing something that is perfectly legal, the cops deserve to look like assholes.
That is a drag, Nobios. I would imagine the same thing occurs here in the US in areas where there is sufficient manpower to do so. It seems hydroponics will always bear that stigma. It is unfortunate and frankly tiresome. When someone hears about my hydro peppers, the implied looks and the old "what else are you growing?, har har..." has gotten pretty old.

I guess I agree with the if you are doing nothing wrong, you shouldn't have anything to worry about deal. The way that is determined is the issue. Fly over my house with a thermal camera, whatever. A few shop lights and some peppers probably aren't that interesting. But what's next ? Background checks for hydro nutes? Weekly inspections? How about surveillance cameras in your home just to make sure you are doing nothing illegal?

Digital power meters have been installed in North County San Diego and are capable of tracking how much power you are using and exactly when you are using it.

Where I live, it is a whole different issue. Laws are different, and honestly, people just do not care. Without getting into it, I am just glad I can go to the hydro supply shop here for my pepper stuff and not undergo an inquisition every time I do.

A few years ago though, an acquaintance of mine was followed home from a store. It wasn't the police though. And you know what they were looking for.
WickedMojo said:
We have the same deal here in florida, helicopters flying around at night and all, my belief is they are still using hydro customers names and thermal imaging, to "mark" suspects then they put you under surveillence or trump something up to get a search warrant, but dont think for one minute that they still dont use thermal cameras, cause they do, they just need to get creative in obtaining a warrant after they target you.

Yeah i'm sure they still use the technology to "mark" your spot and then have a guy sit and watch, but for people to say they've been raided twice because they grow plants in a window is just not right. I mean seriously once I would be ok you F-Turds you know i'm only growing peppers so lets not make this mistake again, but twice??? I would definitely look into filing a formal complaint or something because they clearly can't justify a plant in a window as a means to search your place. The problem is people don't know their rights enough to know when they've been violated and even then they don't do anything if they are so there is no real consequence for them to just go to a judge say it's a grow house get a search warrant and be wrong. I mean seriously what type of "investigating" are they doing to come to that conclusion anyway. I really do need to be careful though because now that California is bankrupt the cops are doing everything in their power to generate "income" since the state is giving them money. They need to just go ahead and legalize it already here in cali and start making money on the taxes. I mean you spend 50 million a year in police officers trying to keep it off the street and another 50 million housing guys that get caught when you could be making 100 million in profit on taxing it. A difference of 100 million and you don't even have to let the criminals out of jail!! Ok enough ranting back to work.
You have to realise that if they legalized it all the people from the high end of town would loose their source of income ;)