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Polinating question

Well, its snowing out again. How depressing. I am glad for on days like these I can retreat to my small little room down in the corner of the basement where it is a balmy 62 degrees and there is everything that represents the warmth of spring. So to day, as every other day I come home from work and kick off my boots, talk to my dogs and head for the belasement. Once I get down there this is what I find....


I looked at all the others that I have, and the are all getting what I believe to be flower bulbs. My plan was to build the raised beds this weekend and build the hoop houses as well and then in mid to late March put them out in the beds. What happens now since they are appearing to flower? Once the bulbs open up do they pollinate themselves or do I need to do it? Is I need to do it, how? Lol I Tess I got some readng to do. It has been about six or seven weeks since I dropped the tiny little seeds into the soil. I knew I started them early but I never thought they would flower indoors. Also they are under 6500k powered shop lights. I did not think there was enough red waves in those light to produce flowers. I thought they were more on the blue end of the light. I built a spectrometer the other day and it showed both red and blue. Cool I though. I have also have been feeding them a bit of food once a week. Its diluted so I think I am ok. So anyhow. If these bulbs do flower out, and I am pretty sure that it looks like they will do I need to pollinated them myself and how to do it?
What you're seeing is flower buds. Pinch them off for now. If you allow them to grow the energy of the plant will go to them instead of the entire plant and it will stop growing for the most part. What you'll end up with is a short, stubby plant with few peppers.

Living where you do there is no way the plants will survive outdoors in March. Or April. Or for the first week or two in May. The last freeze date for our zone is May 15th. Anything out prior to that you run a serious risk of losing.

Getting them to flower indoors is pretty easy to do regardless of the light. However getting them to turn into peppers indoors requires a whole lotta light.

Best of luck to you.
I've had chili's flour and produce peppers under fluro's in the past, but I wouldn't expect much from them. You can pinch the buds if you want or let them grow. If you let them go you can pollinate them with a light flick, or you can give the plant a shake, put a fan on them, or even give them a spritzing of water directly into the flower.

Some people pinch the buds, while others let them grow. I don't know which is best, but I do know that they'll be fine with whatever you choose to do.