Pollinating questions

OK..I admit it I am probably being a bit lazy here....by not searching...But hey forums are for typing right?  :party:
I have the But Jolokias, Orange HAbs, and Trinidad and Maruga Scorpions...
I havent noticed many bees in my small back porch  area where my plants are, so the question is...how do I know if they  are pollinated?
And if they arent getting pollinated, how do I do it? :welcome:
I have some sweet banana pepper plants, and they have been producing peppers, so I guess I am ok..like you guys have said, thank you for your input guys.
I just needed some reassurance I guess... :dance:
It just rained a little bit here too, I am glad because my Carolina Reaper is a beast after a rain.....
Patience is still a virtue....one that pepper growers need to master. Your plants will set pods eventually. Just let it happen.
I don't notice bees around my peppers too much, they prefer the citrus flowers. The big red wasps seem to like pepper flowers, and several species of tiny black wasp. There are thousands of species of pollinators out there, plus peppers can self pollinate with a little breeze. Any plant outdoors is getting what it needs.  
The search function helps to prevent cluttering up the board with the same question over and over and over and over and over  over and over and over and over and over.