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soil Poor growing soil

Ok, so I am in Afghanistan as I have said before. I am finally in an area where I will be for a while. The soil here is very poor. I mean, at least around me it is very very poor. Some grass and vegetation grows, but not much. I was wondering if anyone has any tips for making the soil better with out ordering anything. I was thinking about using some fruit rhines, old fruit, some old food. Any tips and advice are very much appreciated. Thank you.

From Afghanistan,

Try using some old fruits or veggies...dig a hole abouth half a meter deep,as large as you'd like,put the old veggies or fruits that you don't use in it,and the ground back over it,just make sure you loosened up the ground,after you've covered it,make it wet,but make sure its in a warm spot,can be sunny too. Wet it now and then to keep it moist. In a few weeks the woormies have fone their job. And you'll have some compost,mix that with some loosened up ground. That's what we do :) hope it helps (:
Goat manure is great because it is usable right from the animal, however...... Unless it is in a pen,it is like collecting loose cocoa puffs!
Easier way with goat manure is to clean out a well used goat pen, and that stuff is fairly perfect.

I would be looking for camels :)
Thank you so much for the advice. I will definitely be trying the fruit and veggies in the ground. I know they have sheep around here, so I might be able to get some of the manure from them. As for worms, I don't know of any here, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. I will definitely be trying as many things as possible. I greatly appreciate the advice. I will let you all know how it turns out here. I am getting some peppers from the locals, my interpreter has the hook up. So hopefully I should be planting in the next couple weeks. =)
what about moving away from soil and going hydroponic or combination?

taking on the dry hostile conditions of [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Afghanistan may not be the right approach. perhaps creating a mini greenhouse, sheltered environment is better at this time. you can only work with what you are given.........[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]kind of reminds of a sam kinison sketch about living in an area where food doesn't grow.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]good luck .[/background]
If you want to compost quickly you need about
60% Carbon
40% Nitrogen

If you can get manure or shredded paper for carbon and yes old fruit, veggies, coffee, will make for good nitrogen.

If you keep it about 60-40 and stir it once a week you will have a very fast compost process. Adding local sand will help with drainage and microbes.

Also If you pee on the pile it will speed it up and fill the pile with NPK and micro nutrients. The way you can tell if its working is it will be HOT in the middle... Like enough to produce steam at night if you stir it.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Afghanistan may not be the right approach.[/background]
Rubbish! with all due respect ofc.

Don't tell that to John D. Liu

If it works out you should teach as many people as you can there.
Thank you so much for the advice. I will definitely be trying the fruit and veggies in the ground. I know they have sheep around here, so I might be able to get some of the manure from them. As for worms, I don't know of any here, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. I will definitely be trying as many things as possible. I greatly appreciate the advice. I will let you all know how it turns out here. I am getting some peppers from the locals, my interpreter has the hook up. So hopefully I should be planting in the next couple weeks. =)

Sheep poo is fantastic stuff! Only trouble is, same story as what DesertChris said about goat poo, "Unless it is in a pen,it is like collecting loose cocoa puffs!" ;) Deffo get your hands on it if you can though!
Sheep poo is also great!! And ready to use, no composting required!!
I don't think the conditions over there would be too bad, hot, dry, sandy etc.....
Sounds like here!!

Just get some of that sheep poo, till it in. If you can get some straw etc.... till that in too...
If you can find a pen full of sheep, and they let you muck out the pen, that would be the best of all.
Lots of pee, poop, soil, hay bits etc....and you will be all set!

It may be hot, dry, harsh etc... And peppers may not set fruit in the summer, but they will grow during that time, and in fall, it will be an explosion of pods ;)

Just a side thought....

Tomatillos are a desert plant....I bet they would thrive there.
And you would be swimming in tomatillos...lol
compost anything organic (manure, flowers, copfee grind, veggies, fruits.... and once composted amend that with that poor soil... will get better and better.
Yeah, I would like to get some sheep manure, but it will be harder than you think, lol. Last couple of days it hasn't been hot and it has been raining a few times a day. Really weird weather. I love tomatillos. My wife makes a tomatillo sauce and it is awesome. My interpreter is getting me some of the local peppers so that will be awesome, I just need to dry them out and then plant the seeds. I am super excited about being able to grow peppers. Should be alot of fun.