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A couple of quick questions that I have for the masses of chili heads out there worldwide! Does anyone think there is a market for fresh pods in BULK into the winter months of the year?? Call them "Holiday Chilis!" Or even starter plants delivered to your door within 3-4 days of purchase?? No need for seed starting or any of that mess inside sometime around New Years..lol Now dont get me wrong, I do also realize its more of the hobby end of it for most, that truly cant wait to start their seeds just as they have in years past. Like a 'tradition" so to speak :) All im asking is there anyone out there that would like to be able to just start with starter plants each last frost of the new year. We cant carry everything but we can carry most of the popular varieties (Super Hots and not) and have them at your door with just a few clicks of a mouse!! That has to be appealing to some people I would think....Feel free to weigh in on both questions if you like :) Living here in Florida I have learned over the years that fruit year round is possible....and not just a small yield! Im talkin about all the Super Hots (Scorpions, Bhuts, 7 Pots, Specialty "habaneros", and so on....) In all colors available (Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Chocolate, and White) PLEASE....feedback is WELCOME by ALL..as I am in the process of winterizing my nursery to do just these things in the future :)
I was just thinking about this today. I'm not fortunate to have any indoor space, or a year-round growing season. That said, I would be thrilled to have a steady, year-round supply of pods. I have serious aspirations for saucing, and having fresh pods rather than frozen or dried makes a difference to me. To your next question, I think it's a great idea. Tomato growers have been selling seedlings for years, for good money I might add. I grow from seed, but if I have a catastrophe, It would be nice to be able to rush out some seedlings to replace lost ones.
Yes to both..would love to have access to fresh pods all year. Plants would be great especially if from someone who knew when to start say the superhots so by planting time they are not babies...someone who knows habaneros should be started early to produce before the heat of zone 4 for example. Taking into consideration timing of last frost in each zone so plants wouldn't freeze in shipping and would produce as soon as possible.
Pods would be cool.But I sell seedlings/starts on CL, and I can't keep enough around. I know so many people are not growers who are buying, cus they saw someone on Utube eat one. They will probably kill um, but after I get my 5 bucks apiece, there all yours. I do give a Georgia warranty with them, if it breaks in half, both haves are yours... I would look to CL, I know i would buy plants, but I'm not too into shipping fees. With CL alot will just come by to pick up. No shippin. You can make an extra buck instead of the post office. My .02 I for one am ramping up for next year, to hopefully sell 200 starts. I'm not a nursery, but when work slow, a buck is a buck. It helps buys supplies for the patch...