Possible desise on all my 7pots

Got a bunch of peppers all growing in same solution. 
First three are of separate 7 pot peppers and the last "healthy" pepper is a Bhut.
Solution is GH flora 3 part in equal quantities and shogun cal-mag.
All plants have just been moved from t5 to hps



I have just looked at the peppers that are still in my proporgator and they are all completely free of these spots. This is leading me to belive that they are burning?
Should I be hardening them the same way as if they where being placed out for the summer?
Looks like pigmentation reaction from the extra light. I'm not sure about hardening off, but might not hurt to raise the light a little.
Peter S said:
Looks like pigmentation reaction from the extra light. I'm not sure about hardening off, but might not hurt to raise the light a little.
The lights are raised as high in the tent as they can go so I've turned the ballast down from 800w to 650w so We'll see how the new growth turns out.
AlvaroHD99 said:
Think thats overwatering
They are in a Krafty system so I'm not sure how overwatering would go.
Thanks for the suggestions. Searching online suggests it could also be fert burn but that wouldnt explain the perfectly fine Bhuts
Are you spraying the GH flora on the leaves? It does look like sunburn with a little over fert to boot.
If you are spraying, do it after lights turn off or at least an hour before they turn back on.
Another thing to remember, not all plants can handle the same amounts of ferts. As an example, I have a bhut jolokia in the ground and it takes almost twice as much time released fert than one of my my habaneros thats also in the ground. Different strains/different growing pattern/different needs.
my experience is that black colored necrosis is from excess moisture, pigment reaction is purple not black.  Im not familiar with the "Krafty system" can you link it for me?  It could be a few things combined, most problems come back to moisture, too much or too little.  A plant uses transpiration to move not just the water but all nutrients through the plant, too much or too little impacts the plants ability to move nutes where theyre needed.  Excess nutes can also lock up other nutes, too much Cal can lock up Mag, too much Mag can lock up other nutes.  Did you do a ph test? Id reduce watering and if its hydroponic reduce your ferts.  you could also try increasing airflow (fan) in the hopes of speeding up transpiration.