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Possible frost, Panic?

Calling for 38F tomorrow night and possible frost. 40's+ the rest of next week.

Bring in the ones I plan to overwinter?

The one night looks like a fluke, but it will that much colder in November.
Can't hurt to make sure the ones you plan to overwinter are safe! Bring 'em in.

I am surprised that we had no frost here so far and they announced nice weather (for this time of the year) for the next 4 days, this really exceeds my expectations.
you got anything you can just cover them with...like an old sheet?...don't know how many you have to cover but grandma used to do that at first frost....'specially for tomatos
Unless you have lots of nearly ripe pods, why not go ahead and cut them back now? The chances are they are not producing many new pods. I can't us going without a killing frost for more than two weeks so the first chance I get, anly plants without either a lot of nearly ripe pods or ones that will be overwintered will join the compost pile as soon as I find time.

wordwiz said:
Unless you have lots of nearly ripe pods, why not go ahead and cut them back now? The chances are they are not producing many new pods. I can't us going without a killing frost for more than two weeks so the first chance I get, anly plants without either a lot of nearly ripe pods or ones that will be overwintered will join the compost pile as soon as I find time.


I too like to drink and post!;)
We had some air frost the other day but lots of sunshine like You Chilliac cant complain..For once :lol:
Cheezy...how are the peppers this morning?...is it light enough to see yet where you are?
We got a heavy frost and even colder tonight. I haven't checked my plants in the igloo yet today but I imagine they won't be looking too good
my heart is heavy for you guys...it is just a matter of time for me too now...

for the most part though, I would say we all (with a few exceptions caused by the weather) have had good growing season...

Here's to a great fall of pickling, powdering, and hot saucing....it will be a "warm" winter with all the spice...won't be too long before we start preparing for the 2009 season...
Now that fall starts on the northern hemisphere it's not so nice to know that in the next weeks we will hear germinating and blooming news from all the Aussies and Kiwis around here... :banghead:

But spring will come again and it will be fall down under!
I like to look at if like this during the winter...we get live through their pictures knowing what the 2009 season will bring for us in the northern half of the world...
AlabamaJack said:
I like to look at if like this during the winter...we get live through their pictures knowing what the 2009 season will bring for us in the northern half of the world...

You're right! You see the glass half full, I saw it half empty. So let's enjoy the upcoming Aussie pictures.
It is OK this morning, thanks AJ. Just made some 7 pot salsa with the last of the fresh tomatoes. Good GOD Almighty!!

Tonight is the 38F, First fire in the fireplace night.(not alll bad;))

The frost advisory is only for 3 counties, and they are a few counties away.

I guess I will hold-em for now!

Thanks all!

And shallow evil me, I just loathe the aussies until January sprouting time!;)

NOt really, but that always brings me to the fantsay of "whole plant trading"....

Sending an aussie some of my best plants, having them never-ending-summer- over there and be sent back here next spring!
cheezydemon said:
but that always brings me to the fantsay of "whole plant trading"....

Sending an aussie some of my best plants, having them never-ending-summer- over there and be sent back here next spring!

glad you made it thru another night...

wouldn't that be great to send your best plants on vacation to a warmer climate until next spring....