Possible salt exposure!

Hi everyone-I have a doozy for you.  I planted some seeds in Jiffy pods a week-10 days ago and topped them off with Sea Magic as I usually do for chilis and tomatoes.  A few minutes later my husband said "Be sure you don't use the jug with the duct tape on it".  When I asked him why:  "I used that jug to mix a brine for melting the ice on our walkway a few months ago".  After composing myself I told him what happened and asked him if the plastic jug had been well-rinsed since then, which apparently it has been.  And if I'm not mistaken I have used that same Sea Magic on other seedlings with no problems but I could be wrong.  Have I killed these little guys or is there hope?
there is no way anyone will be able to give you a yes or no answer.   
do you have any sprouts? what do they look like,are they still alive?
if the jug was rised well than there will be no residue of prior vacancy.
Agree with sicman. But here's another thought - when a seed sprouts, the last thing to emerge from the casing are the cotyledons (aka "seed leaves".) The entire purpose of the cotyledons is to feed the sprout until true leaves develop. Sprouts with cotyledons do not need further fertilizer, and adding fertilizer too soon can burn them to a crisp. In other words, even if the bottle was cleanly rinsed, you may still have a problem that is unrelated to the bottle. However, if you significantly diluted it, things may be ok. My only other question is what went into the brine your husband made - anything other than water and salt (and possibly vegetable extract)? 
If I'm not mistaken the solution was just salt and water-I'm unsure if it was regular salt or the type sold specifically to melt ice.  The Sea Magic I use is more of a growth activator than a fertilizer (http://bonadeagardens.com/product_seamagic.html) and has no chemicals in it thus it can be used on newly-planted seeds.  I have had really good luck with it.  And yes the pods in question were newly-planted seeds.  As of right now I have nothing, not even a hint of a sprout.  And unfortunately I do not know how well the container was rinsed.  BTW thanks for the responses, the forum is an invaluable source of knoweledge.