Possibly a dumb question..

Hi People's,
My first post here and first year growing peppers....
Had to add my 2 cents on the MG Organic choice....

Before transplanting my seedlings I did a lot of research here and on a Gardening website that has a pepper forum. Unfortunately for me I did not come across this thread until now.
I read a lot of threads from the other site by a guy named "Greenman28" I think… real name Josh... he makes his own soil by using 5 parts composted fine grain bark (Orchid Bark) 1 part perlite and 1 part whatever (Peat moss, potting mix,) take your choice. and adds some dolometic lime to balance the ph and add some Ca.

Anyway I couldn't find the bark around here, but the local H.D had Pro Mix but not the Pro Mix BX I wanted if I wasn't going to mix my own. So I started looking at all the ingredients on the 100+ different potting mixes they had there. (Yes I exaggerate).. And I come across the MG Organic choice and look what it's made of.... 50% to 60% Composted bark, Sphagnum Peat Moss, and chicken litter... Damn, Almost exactly what I was looking for. So I bought a bag and some Perlite and went home and transplanted my 35 various peppers into 12oz Styrofoam cups with drainage holes poked into them and waited for the miracle to happen....
2 weeks later not 1 mm of growth...plants are all green… the 2 or 3 leafs are healthy and pointing up... they all look great but not 1 bit of new growth in 2 weeks.

Sorry for the long post but I had to give the set up so you didn't think I was a total n00b... I did do my home work..just not enough..
I finally found a mom & pop nursery that carries the Pro Mix BX… bought 2 bags and will be repotting this weekend... I will keep you updated on progress.

I have these planted.... Bhut Jolokia, Jamaican Red, Hungarian Hot wax, Poblano, and Long skinny reds... All seeds from Pepper Joe's.

Two questions…

What should I mix in with the Pro Mix BX to make it complete.. I will be repotting into 5gal containers which is where the peppers will ride out the season...?

And how tall will each of these plants get....?

Thanks for listening (er ah reading that is)