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Possibly dumb question

Is it safe to use a jerky dehydrator to dry pepper pods if someone in your family has bad emphysema? I've never tried before and I don't know if it makes "fumes" or not.
Not a dumb question. If you are running the dehydrator indoors and putting peppers in it WATCH OUT! I would stick it in the garage, do it when nobody is home, or do it outside. It is bad for people w/o emphysema, with it...super bad!
When my baby gets fussy from congestion, I just throw some superhots on the dehydrator and put her bouncy chair next to it - really clears up her sinuses in no time...

Okay, okay, I'm just kidding - I would never think of doing that...well, not until she's 16...
You are right, that is not a dumb question. I would bet that most people, no matter what the situation, will finally dry the peppers in the garage or an out building somewhere. I did it the first couple of times in the kitchen and my wife couldn't sleep all night. I was either the peppers or her.
i have seen many people use dryer ducting attached to the lid of the dehydrator and ran out a window. i put regular habaneros in mine and you could feel it in your eyes in the next room. but yea thats not a dumb question at all.
Outside it is lol. Even though the I remember the dehydrator manual specifically saying not to use outdoors.
I feel like I would sound like a broken record if I say this, but this is not a stupid question. I would just do it in the garage when no one's home, like mgold said. I do ALL my dehdrating in the garage...
I do mine in the kitchen... For the first few hours I hear complaints of "did you fart in the kitchen" but after that, no more complaints haha.
Outside it is lol. Even though the I remember the dehydrator manual specifically saying not to use outdoors.
I think they just don't want the electrical circuit to get wet. As long as it's in a place where it's protected from the elements it should be fine.