chinense ** Post your Scorpion **

I haven't tried one yet.  Last year they were very nice and extremely hot.  Many of my scorpion pods ended up in PexPepper sauces in 2014.
Truth be told... Scorpions are not my favourite; and they are too hot for everyday eating (for me).  I had about a dozen scorpions last year and I'm down to only 3 this year.  My plan is to use them more for powders and flake mixes.  I'm happy enough to mail boxes of pods to interested parties when production really gets going in a month or two.
KingLeerUK said:
I haven't tried one yet.  Last year they were very nice and extremely hot.  Many of my scorpion pods ended up in PexPepper sauces in 2014.
Truth be told... Scorpions are not my favourite; and they are too hot for everyday eating (for me).  I had about a dozen scorpions last year and I'm down to only 3 this year.  My plan is to use them more for powders and flake mixes.  I'm happy enough to mail boxes of pods to interested parties when production really gets going in a month or two.
At least two (of five) Brown Large Scorpion plants appear to be growing true:


Sorry about the out-of-focus shots, my camera is not the best at close-ups.
alkhall said:
At least two (of five) Brown Large Scorpion plants appear to be growing true:


Sorry about the out-of-focus shots, my camera is not the best at close-ups.
I thought Scorps were bumpy?
smileyguy697 said:

This pics from a few seasons ago but I'm still growing the same genetics. Btw it's chocolate but wasn't fully ripe and its the only pic at the moment.

These aren't bumpy and deffo scorps
That is what a scorpion should look like.. well in my mind anyway, awesome pod =D
Roguejim said:
I thought Scorps were bumpy?
First pods of the season are not always typical, would you not agree?
More typical; from last year is post #8 in this thread, although I believe the Large Scorpion is not as 'bumpy' as the TSMB, for example.