Posting duplicate pics and/or posting a process in multiple topics etc.

This probably isn't the place to discuss it - maybe Support or something? - but I thought putting the prep for something in your own thread was exactly what we were supposed to do, so I'm confused ...
That way we don't sprawl in the burger/taco/steak etc threads ...
I'll do whatever the right thing is, but I'm ~10k deep and I still don't know what that is =)
It's all related, so put it in one place. ;)
Having "your own" topic is becoming an issue as more people do it. At first it was okay but now everyone is doing it, topics are meant for discussion and multiple authors, not authoring your own topic like a blog, which is essentially what you are trying to do in the forum, but this is not a list of blogs. Currently it's getting a bit out of hand with all the duplicate posts and links. If you want to make steak you can 1) Start a brand new topic for it. 2) Post it in the steak thread. But posting the steak in your own topic, and then cross-posting pics, and then links back to your topics, it's all a bit hectic. So please find the most appropriate topic for you entire creation so you are not bouncing around topics with links, thanks.

PS. We'll be updating the Blog section here very soon and you will see improvements you will like, so you will want to post there. Then you can manage your actual blogs not pseudo forum blogs (flogs, glogs), and they will be just as visible in the New Content list, along with topics in the same list, not as hidden as they are now, which is why people don't use them. The integration will be seamless and should fix a lot of this. Also you'll be able to post directly from your member page with the full editor, so your status updates will have the same ability as posts. That is all coming soon. So until then please just try to keep it all in one topic, and thanks.
grantmichaels said:
This probably isn't the place to discuss it - maybe Support or something? - but I thought putting the prep for something in your own thread was exactly what we were supposed to do, so I'm confused ...
That way we don't sprawl in the burger/taco/steak etc threads ...
I'll do whatever the right thing is, but I'm ~10k deep and I still don't know what that is =)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with posting the entire process in one topic in fact it is preferred. I don't know where this new idea came from. But you don't even have to find an existing topic to post in. I mean, if you want to make fish tacos just make a new topic. You don't have to find a taco topic. That is fine as well. But posting the process in multiple places and then using links to show you where the tortilla is or where the salsa is, and then posting the finished pic all over the place because you've got the process in three topics now is the issue. Keep it in one. Simple. Just choose the best one, or make a new topic. 
The Hot Pepper said:
It's all related, so put it in one place. ;)
Having "your own" topic is becoming an issue as more people do it. At first it was okay but now everyone is doing it, topics are meant for discussion and multiple authors, not authoring your own topic like a blog, which is essentially what you are trying to do in the forum, but this is not a list of blogs. Currently it's getting a bit out of hand with all the duplicate posts and links. If you want to make steak you can 1) Start a brand new topic for it. 2) Post it in the steak thread. But posting the steak in your own topic, and then cross-posting pics, and then links back to your topics, it's all a bit hectic. So please find the most appropriate topic for you entire creation so you are not bouncing around topics with links, thanks.

PS. We'll be updating the Blog section here very soon and you will see improvements you will like, so you will want to post there. Then you can manage your actual blogs not pseudo forum blogs (flogs, glogs), and they will be just as visible in the New Content list, along with topics in the same list, not as hidden as they are now, which is why people don't use them. The integration will be seamless and should fix a lot of this. Also you'll be able to post directly from your member page with the full editor, so your status updates will have the same ability as posts. That is all coming soon. So until then please just try to keep it all in one topic, and thanks.
When I made my own thread - it was a solution to a problem, but I can see how it becomes increasingly in conflict w/ the sub-forum categories once a lot of people do it.
Hating linking, on the web, is uhm ... well, yeah, we'll have to diverge on that point ... but it's not a factor, really.
I'll put my stuff in the blog area once it's there.
The more real-time that's added, the less 'forum' and more 'social media' things really are ... at least, to me.
I enjoy that THP isn't just a forum ...

The Hot Pepper said:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with posting the entire process in one topic in fact it is preferred. I don't know where this new idea came from. But you don't even have to find an existing topic to post in. I mean, if you want to make fish tacos just make a new topic. You don't have to find a taco topic. That is fine as well. But posting the process in multiple places and then using links to show you where the tortilla is or where the salsa is, and then posting the finished pic all over the place because you've got the process in three topics now is the issue. Keep it in one. Simple. Just choose the best one, or make a new topic. 
I'm pretty sure I started this, actually - I'll own it.
People didn't like the # of pictures in my posts, because they had metered bandwidth at that time.
I started to segregate my stuff so that people wouldn't be confronted w/ all the pics in the popular threads (it was DC).
I even asked other people to make named threads along the way, but I thought I was giving them a helpful tip, to avoid getting flack ...
I'm happy to sprawl in the threads, that's fine.
Moved this to Support.
When the new blogs and other social functions are live you will feel much better about it. For now you can keep doing what you're doing but please try to keep the process in one place if possible and try not to post duplicate pics to multiple topics, thanks.
The Hot Pepper said:
Moved this to Support.
When the new blogs and other social functions are live you will feel much better about it. For now you can keep doing what you're doing but please try to keep the process in one place if possible and try not to post duplicate pics to multiple topics, thanks.
I just unfollowed every thread and I'm EOL'ing my named threads ...
It's all good.
Ehh. I didn't ask that, what you could do is invite others to also post in yours so they are not "yours." Like a TB thread. Give it a global name. But you don't have to do that either. Like I said you can keep doing what you're doing. I am not asking you to end your threads. When Blogs are ready I will try to get people to migrate but that is not even here yet. So you do whatever you want. :)

I may merge some similar ones once people migrate so they are global and still active. So don't worry right now.
Too slate, clean slate ...
No big deal ... I'm tired of retreating from one person's gripe, only to find another ...
As you know, it's hard to make everyone happy, and all it takes is one to ruin everyone's time ...
So, I'll hunt and peck for shit to participate in and change it up for a while ... no big deal. I like a little radical change every so often ...
My threads deserve phases, anyways ...
Pizza making round one ended some months ago, as did wok phase one, and now grilling round one just ended minutes ago, and the same for the brewing thread for one gallon batches ...
I'm a lot more flexible than most people, so I'll change what I do ...
The Hot Pepper said:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with posting the entire process in one topic in fact it is preferred. I don't know where this new idea came from. But you don't even have to find an existing topic to post in. I mean, if you want to make fish tacos just make a new topic. You don't have to find a taco topic. That is fine as well. But posting the process in multiple places and then using links to show you where the tortilla is or where the salsa is, and then posting the finished pic all over the place because you've got the process in three topics now is the issue. Keep it in one. Simple. Just choose the best one, or make a new topic. 
I like the idea of making new topics, rather than burying your topic in the bowels of some hideously long Taco/Hot Dog/Sandwich/Pasta thread.  A new topic with a DESCRIPTIVE title gets my attention.  I'm not inclined to want to check numerous long threads for the latest posting that may or may not even interest me.  I've had my own new topics Moved into these mega-threads, but maybe that was a fluke.
grantmichaels said:
I just unfollowed every thread and I'm EOL'ing my named threads ...
It's all good.

What? Fall asleep for a few hours and things are changing.

I find it easier to find stuff with the current system. Just as an example, I knew WaffleBum's waffle recipe was in your creed thread, so when I wanted to make them I just looked it up. There are many instances where this holds true for me whether it be something I read in a flog or glog.
Roguejim said:
I like the idea of making new topics, rather than burying your topic in the bowels of some hideously long Taco/Hot Dog/Sandwich/Pasta thread.  A new topic with a DESCRIPTIVE title gets my attention.  I'm not inclined to want to check numerous long threads for the latest posting that may or may not even interest me.  I've had my own new topics Moved into these mega-threads, but maybe that was a fluke.
Precisely. Either is fine and some of the long topics are popular, but there's also this idea of, if I make a _____ I have to find the _____ thread, or members tell them "Hey you know we have a _____ thread." This is a forum. You can just post it in a new topic any time you want. As you said :).
Just so everyone knows! You don't have to find any "official" thread. ;)
If your post got merged into a mega thread it was probably me trying to keep up with what was popular. I won't do that anymore as the intent was a new topic.
tctenten said:
What? Fall asleep for a few hours and things are changing.

I find it easier to find stuff with the current system. Just as an example, I knew WaffleBum's waffle recipe was in your creed thread, so when I wanted to make them I just looked it up. There are many instances where this holds true for me whether it be something I read in a flog or glog.
Yeah he changed too fast lol. This would not/will not change, you'd just find the recipe in a different area. Either his blog called Creed, or even a new recipe database with categories for recipes, which I am going to do too. A real database not forum categories. But it would be integrated with the forum, and just look more like a recipe post with with replies. :) A section for pics, ingredients, all that. And it would be social as G says.
Don't worry. ;)
I poked around in the gallery and blog area ...
When you setup a blog offers you to make one locally, or one tied to an external blog ...
I don't want to create one just to figure out how the external system works - but I assume it will accept an RSS feed from another blog for feeder content, or is setup for working w/ Wordpress, or ? ...
I think is just stores a hyperlink. Not ideal. Better blog on the way.
So, I can host my own content elsewhere, and there will be a comments section on the THP side for users to discuss the link? ... in a somewhat Reddit-like fashion? ...
I might like that, actually ...
Wait n see wait n see.... ;)