food Pot of Chili. Stir it up!

A smoking pressure  I MUST have one. Thanks scovie, just spent a day looking at sausage making equipment now the rest of my day is gonna be devoted to finding a smoker/pressure cooker.
Damn you and your new gadget ya bastige :D
Chili looks killer too!  How long didya cook it fer?
Oh you can tell Clay to eat it, and like it! (THat TittieTwistiN Fool! :rofl: ) Looks Awesome BRO
edit: Very niiiiice wit da bone dammit.
I want to take a bath in that and eat my way out.
I'm going to give this recipe a shot next time I make some chili. Maybe I'll eat it over rice.
Just read your other thread on the new gadget. See what I miss when I'm not paying attention to THP for a couple weeks!?!
Way more sophisticated than my stove top 15psi only cooker, but I love my stove top PC just the way it is. Quirks and all.

Good on you for including the bone.
That's flavor, minerals, and other good stuff right there.

Next you'll be buying bones from your butcher and smoking bone broth.

jajaja bone broth
That looks killer, and the pork looks fully juicy still.

You just moved trying out that thing like five places on our todo list ...

Bonus for the fork schmear - it's like slow-mo on instant replay.
Scoville DeVille said:
My Grandma's Chili... (here's a share).
I have told this story before but, I was adopted into a Mexican family in 1969. My Gramma made good food, like Chili and "Grampa's Chili" 7 siblings, and... I was the 2nd oldest of 16 grandchildren... I was the only one (besides grampa) that DEMANDED his chili. :hot: 2 pots as long as I can remember... one for grampa and one for the rest of the family. I ate grampa's chili. For the first few years, all my aunts and even grampa tried their best to deter me. nope, I was born loving heat. All my aunts and Mom, would make 10,000 (not literally) tamales, 10,000 (not literally) tortillas, and a big ol pot of this chili. Everyone went home with their year's supply. My 2nd youngest aunt Becky married a white guy named Clark. To make a long story short, My Uncle Eddie would inevitably come over and ask us... "What has 4 legs and can't walk?"... You two if you tell one more Mexican joke. :rofl: :rofl:
Grampa died in 1987 and Gramma in 1993. My mom died in 2007. 
So every time I make this chili, even with my new fancy smoker/pressure cooker, I think of those days. With all my cousins and food.
Man, I loved my Gramma.
L to R, My aunt Juanita, My cousins, Pablo (Paul), and his sister Leah. Me.
Gramma and Garmpa and us.
Scan 1.jpeg
There they are...
Scan 2.jpeg
My Mom's Birthday 20 some-odd years ago with CJ.
Scan 3.jpeg
RIP Mom and Gramma. Chili on the stove!!!!!!
Scan 5.jpeg
Man, I'm sad...