food Pot of Chili. Stir it up!

Got a Chile contest next week, and already decided on pork.
I have one of them fancy pressure smokers, and was debating whether to use it or the little chief.
As a smoker, I find the flavor to be a bit off when forced into the meat, but for a meat stew that will be enhanced by a load of other goodies?
Saves me 4 or 6 hours waiting on the little chief.
Ice Bath FTW! 
Love the pics~
I've heard the story but seeing the pictures makes me feel warm inside (same effect as the chilli I bet) . I know its not chilli but you've inspired me to simsimmer a butt for some late night carnitas tacos. I gotta go, I'm off to the sto.
Good looking eats the Mr Cadi...I would have stuck that chili outside in the snow you damn crazy overworking westerners! 
Some is on the way...
Great thread....I love chili and make it often and many different ways. Now that Scovie made this thread I figure I'd contribute.

Although controversial, I like mine with beans. :)

It was cold and damp here in O-H-I-O today, so chili hit the spot.

I typically always start with the same base ingredients:

1lb of ground chuck
1lb of ground pork
1 cup diced onion
28 oz crushed tomatoes
28 oz diced tomatoes
1/4 cup chili powder, or more to taste
1 large can of Brooks Chili Beans in chile sauce(hot or mild)
15 oz of black beans, rinsed and drained
Salt and pepper to tast

From there I try new ingredients based on the gazillion chili recipes I find online. Today I added the following. Sorry these are not even close to exact measurments but I start out with just a pinch and then modify based on taste.

Red bell pepper
Cocoa powder
Fresh garlic
Crumbled bacon(everything is better with bacon, right)
Cayenne pepper

This batch turned out really good, even the wife and kids liked it.

Because my family doesn't do HOT stuff, I have to add this to mine..

Some cornbread and shredded cheese and your good to go...
My chili went to the next level after I got to know Scovie.  I know how good yours is, because I still have the dried pods you sent me.  I still roast them and grind them each batch I make.  Thank you again for the wonderful gift Scovie.  Of course it has won me three tiny trophies too!
Way to go zdecker! I can't see the pics for some reason, but I'm on MiPod. No controversy with beans! Burgers with or without lettuce, pizza with or without mushrooms, who cares? It's all about what you like! Way to bring it man!

Thanks Jay. You still have some? WTF???? hahahahhaha let me know when you need more. They are cheap here!

Hell yeah stickman. I still have some that you sent me. I didn't use any in this chili because I'm saving them to develop an all new...

wait for it....


B O O M !
SumOfMyBits said:
An electric smokin' pressure cooker. Crazy! I was just thinking that would be awesome, and then BAMB!
Lovin' it, Scovie. Keep it coming.
Never mind that its a smoker pressure cooker - THAT is badassnessess right thar
Do it Scovie!

Just took a meat sauce from last night I made with San Mariano's and morphed it into a quick crock pot chili today. Added mexicam chocolate and oregano, chili powder, cumin, onion and garlic pow, and a heavy dose of jays red ghost scorpion powder. The meat sauce was heavy on te meat. Meat used was sweet sausage and ground turkey. Great way for this pisan to use up left over meat sauce.