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Pot size and overall numbers...

Yeah, I haven't had to water in months and they are covered in a greenhouse.

Plants look like shit but finally getting color.

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Nice amount of pods...looking good. What are those?7

I have a fatalii still in the raised bed only water last 30-40 days....mostly rain water.
The root balls I saw so far from these plants are only 1' diameter but the total branching and foilage and pod production has been very large.

I will get a pic once it quits raining later today
madlionsmith said:
5 gal all the way, seems to be just enough for a big health root ball. Anything bigger seems to get too compacted/poor drainage/rot risk for me.. no matter how much perlite I add.
But then again I'm in the NW.

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I use a garden blend from local bark and soil vendor designed for raised beds.

It contains a high content of river sand. I would bet 60% easily.

Excellent drainage and peppers love the soil...I get thick healthy stems and good pod production with this mix.

I am leaning on this mix for my pots as its only $35 a yrd and I can save the bag mix, perlite and mycos for the seedlings and juveniles.

I read peppers love a high porous soil mix.....this sand mixture does very well.

Maybe i will try a couple side by side tests to compare soil for container growing next season.
Those would be Bhuts Masher. I think I have a Fatali, these pods are all staying yellow. Not sure what I've got.

Masher said:
Nice amount of pods...looking good. What are those?7

I have a fatalii still in the raised bed only water last 30-40 days....mostly rain water.
The root balls I saw so far from these plants are only 1' diameter but the total branching and foilage and pod production has been very large.

I will get a pic once it quits raining later today

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Those reds look like my bhuts and your yellows look exactly like my fatalii.

My bhut only put out 20 pods....fatalii put out lbs.

Loving both of them....both are selected for over wintering this yr.

Hoping the bhut produces huge as a second yr plant....the fatalii i have no doubts will be another large harvest....excellent heat from both...i am dicing them and putting them on/in everything.

Took some albacore last night, a dash of mirin, slivered dicon radish, green onion tops, 2Tbs siracha 1tsp soy and one large fatalii finely chopped.

solid7 said:
I get that. I hear it alot. But coming from someone who put in the time to master growing in it, I'll tell you that it isn't as difficult as you may remember. It really only takes a compost addition. Mix 60/40 coco and perlite. Now, when that's well blended, mix that 80/20, cocc/perlite to compost. Any good compost will do. I use composted rabbit manure. If you use synthetic nutrients, CNS17 is a one-stop shop. If you use organic, I like Neptune's Harvest tomato and veg, with an occasional watering of molasses.

That method makes the happiest plants that I've been able to produce for awhile. Mind you, I was addressing the comment from the fella who was talking about all the rain he got, and subsequent compaction. You'll be hard pressed (no pun intended) to compact coco coir.
I'm definitely using this mix percentage for my peppers. Thanks man.