Hey Guys,
I ordered some Potassium Sulfate powder so I could raise the K and S in my solution without overdosing the P, like most premixed nutes will do.
The only info I could find online (wikipedia) said it has a density of 2.66 g/cm3.
Since 1 Tsp = 4.928, I calculated using hydro buddy that 1/8 tsp added to 1 gallon of water should increase the EC by 0.5.
I did that experiment, added 1 gallon of tapwater, measured EC (.293), then added 1/8 tsp of Potassium Sulfate, trying to pack the stuff and level the spoon as well as possible.
The result was a .674 EC solution, an increase of .381.
76.2% as effective as my calculations thought.
So could this mean the real density of this powder form is 2.02g/cm3, or is there something else going on? Reaction with somethin in tap water perhaps.. or some kind of non-soluble filler? Hydrobuddy getting the EC wrong? Or possibly even I have the wrong compound?
Would you guys recommend dosing according to the 2.66 g/cm3 stat found online or my measured 2.02g/cm3 in terms of EC potency?
I ordered some Potassium Sulfate powder so I could raise the K and S in my solution without overdosing the P, like most premixed nutes will do.
The only info I could find online (wikipedia) said it has a density of 2.66 g/cm3.
Since 1 Tsp = 4.928, I calculated using hydro buddy that 1/8 tsp added to 1 gallon of water should increase the EC by 0.5.
I did that experiment, added 1 gallon of tapwater, measured EC (.293), then added 1/8 tsp of Potassium Sulfate, trying to pack the stuff and level the spoon as well as possible.
The result was a .674 EC solution, an increase of .381.
76.2% as effective as my calculations thought.
So could this mean the real density of this powder form is 2.02g/cm3, or is there something else going on? Reaction with somethin in tap water perhaps.. or some kind of non-soluble filler? Hydrobuddy getting the EC wrong? Or possibly even I have the wrong compound?
Would you guys recommend dosing according to the 2.66 g/cm3 stat found online or my measured 2.02g/cm3 in terms of EC potency?