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greenhouse Potawie's greenhouse porn 2009

We're finally starting to get some nice weather again in Potawie-land so I've started bringing plants out of the greenhouse where they can get more hours of sun and get some wind and predator insects. I'll have to start a new thread soon, but here's some not-so-much greenhouse porn.

This pic is about half of my K2(Kapowie type#2) f2 with at least 50 pods on it so far

Pimenta D'espelette

PYC(Potawie's yellow chinense) f2 or f3

Giant white hab. I've had problems with this variety for many years but things are finally looking good.
Those look great....its been cool over here too, i'm on Georgian Bay and on Sunday, a place 2 hours north of me, had snow!!!!
Hey Potawie, what is the lineage on the K2 and the PYC? Were the F1's pretty unstable, or did you take the cross to F2 just to see what kind of variation you could get through crossing F1 progeny?
The original f1 Kapowie was the most impressive looking
but unfortunately those plants died. They seem to becoming more stable over the years but I'd like to grow them out for a total of about 8-10 generations to stabalize/dehybridize it fully

Here's the story on these hybrids. The pic at the end is what I now call K2, and the fat yellow is what I now call PYC
I wish I still had Kapowie f1's:( The Cili Goronong has very cool looking pods, but I really didn't like the flavor very much.

2008 CIli Goronong