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Potted growth, week 3


eXtreme Business
Figured I'd take some pics of my plants in week 3 after their transplant into pots. Well actually, the Moruga has been only two weeks so it's lagging a bit, I'll admit. But anyway, here ya go:

TS Moruga Blend (from one of the seeds I bought on JungleRain)

Ghost Peppers

TS Butch T's

Naga Morich

Not bad for thee weeks, eh? One quick question though. As a couple may notice, a couple of the Butch T's are leaning a touch. Would using some wooden skewers and string help them learn to grow vertically?
Cool, thanks, Prehensile
Your plants are doing much better than mine were at that stage, but here's my suggestion for what it's worth.

When my plants leaned, I just used a toothpick stuck in the ground, without tying it to the plant, to apply pressure in the other direction. I could usually take them out in a day or two and the plant would keep its new angle.

It just made more sense to me than tying something to the fragile little things.
is that three weeks from seed or hooks?
Looks good. Staking not a bad idea. We keep a fan on our seedlings 24-7 from germination to hardening. Strengthens stem and reduces fungus and other nasties. By the way, how long did it take for the Morugas to germinate and by what method?

is that three weeks from seed or hooks?

I waited until they got their first true leaves, which all-told was a couple weeks after hooks. Once the roots pushed out of the Jiffy Peat Pellets, they really began to grow & develop. I could literally see changes & growth daily

By the way, how long did it take for the Morugas to germinate and by what method?

I soaked the seed in a bowl of water with a cap-full of hydrogen peroxide to take care of the nasties, then after 24 hours, placed the seeds into Jiffy Peat pellets, then placed them into a tray on top of a heat mat. The first one germinated after about 10 days.
so this is 11 days after germination?
You def need an oscillating fan goin. Will strengthen the stems up a ton. I also give mine a shake whenever I'm around them. I'd also put the light a bit closer. But not too bad lookin at all.
yup...I am trying to get a handle on how long it's been since he put his seeds in the soil until today...

just trying to get a comparison....I always count from the day I put seeds in the soil to age the plant...
^^^ Sounds like it was 10 days from seed to hook, 2 weeks from hook to first true leaves, and three more weeks to this. If I am understanding correctly...

Sounds right :)
Def. add fan, move lights closer, and with the ones leaning, rotate and reposition the pot so they straighten out by growing towards the light.
yup...I am trying to get a handle on how long it's been since he put his seeds in the soil until today...

just trying to get a comparison....I always count from the day I put seeds in the soil to age the plant...

Yeah, I was trying to make the differentiation by saying this was the third week of Potted Growth, not overall growth. With my plants, I try to transplant them after their first true leaves come in. I've avoided transplant shock because the roots almost never push out of the Jiffy Peat Pellets by that point. The growth is pretty explosive once the roots go into the actual soil.

And in case you needed to know it AJ, I've been watering each plan once a week with a half-cup of water per plant. Of course, once the plants grow larger, I'll increase frequency and amount.
cool elcap...so that means they are ~45 days from seed....and they look good man...

if you are interested, post 122 in this thread shows how mine looked at 40 and 47 days...


I think the difference is the light I give mine in "AJs Bootcamp"
Sunday evening, I added some extra soil to most of the plants, since several had some uneven soil in the pots, leading water to pool in there for a moment as it soaked in. As of last night, it seems to have taken care of the leaning plants and they've straightened themselves out without a problem.