• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Poypoy's Growlog - First Big Harvest and Salsa!

I have hooks/seedlings on at least one of everything except the Chocolate Hab. This is what I started:

Chocolate Habanero
Red Habanero
Not Chocolate Scorpion
Naga Morich
Brain Strain Yellow
Bhut Jolokia
Suave Orange
Peach Bhut
7 Pot Yellow
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Bhut
Chocolate Bhut

Editing the first post to include the Annuums I started later:

Purple Jalapeno
Santa Fe Grande
Black Scorpion Tongue
Numex Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight



A lot of new ones for me this year. I am really looking forward to the salsas and hot sauces :)
ProMix BX. Love the stuff. I started the seeds a week ago after a 24 hour water soak. I am up over 50% germination already, and even had a half of a seed that sprouted.
Adding a quick update. I am almost ready to pot these up. Germination rates were as follows:

Chocolate Hab 4/6
Red Hab 5/5
Not Chocolate Scorpion 3/4
Naga Morich 4/4
Brain Strain Yellow 2/2
Bhut Jolokia 4/4
Fatali 4/5
Suave Orange 5/5
Peach Bhut 4/4
7 Pot Yellow 4/4
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet 4/5
Yellow Bhut 3/5
Chocolate Bhut 3/4

I need to go and get a fresh bale of Promix BX and then I will be potting these up. I will be starting my Annuum in another two weeks here.

will you be separating the seedlings?

Looking good though, you're going to have a jungle nonetheless
Yes they will each get their own pot or cup. I might keep one to grow in the house but I am not sure what I can safely do with a 2 year old in the house. It would make my wife nervous.
Nice looking seedlings. Don't worry about your 2yo. My son wasn't quite 2 last year and he loved picking peppers. He actually tasted a tabasco and a super Chile though he did cry a little with the super Chile.
Looking good the seedlings are getting their 1st true leaves.............. :cool:............. ...outside of the Suave Orange you sure like the heat !
Looking good the seedlings are getting their 1st true leaves.............. :cool:............. ...outside of the Suave Orange you sure like the heat !

I like the heat but it is more about the flavor for me. I also grow a lot of jalapenos and serranos that I haven't started yet.

Nice, healthy-looking seedlings. What sort of lighting are you using?

I am just using standard 4 foot florescent shop lights. I have a standard cool white bulb along with a daylight bulb in the other slot. As the plants grow I rotate them around so they get good light. The shelf is a standard utlity shelf (metal/plywood) and I have two fixtures (4 bulbs) hanging over each shelf. By the end of April I have 150 tomato plants and 60 pepper plants or so being rotated through the space. My final grow list will be around 70 tomato plants and 30 pepper plants.
Another weeks worth of growth as well as an upgrade in amenities for the seedlings. Most of them seem to be enjoying the new accomodations. I caught a couple trying to sneak over into the neighboring cup but I quickly put my foot down. No touching or sharing growing space until they are much older.

These sre some of the bigger ones here.


Another tray of some different varieties.


And these little guys were culled. No room at the inn.


Out of the 59 seeds I planted for my Chinense varieties I had 55 come up. That is the best germination percentage I have had yet for non-annuum peppers. I potted up 43 of the 55. The Chocolate Habs were a complete failure from a growth standpoint as you can see from the above picture. They popped up and then never grew. I have never seen such small cotyledon on a pepper seedling. I did drop my last 5 chocolate hab seeds a few days ago. We'll see if they do any better. This might be my third year trying unsuccessfully to grow this pepper. I did open up a new bale of Promix BX for the potting up and also used the new mix to start these seeds the second time around. So they have no excuse this time.
Things are slowly growing here. My basement temperature is usually in the 61-63 degree range, so once I pull the seedlings off of the heat mat it is slow going. I still have almost 3 months until I can put most of these peppers in the ground, so I have plenty of time.



On Wednesday I will be starting my Annuums which shoot up a lot faster and will probably overtake these ones within a month.

Editing to add still nothing on the Chocolate Habs I dropped last week.
nice grow, really like your varieties. A lot of Flavor and a lot of heat..
I was just going to have 5 plants of 5 varieties a total of 25 plants, but I got out of control again and have close to 60 plants, so I will be looking for places to put plants in the garden and pots, along with them I have close to 30 tomatoes and 30 eggplants. Then I have find spots for my salad greens, peas, beans and what ever else.
God I love Gardening :dance:
You may want to try seeding the Chocolate Habs in a solo cup by themselves. When they sprout you can move the that container as cose as possible to the lights (depending on the fixture type)....also fill the cups up with more soil. More soil=Bigger roots.
I did the paper towel technique for germination and had worse luck with the chocolate habs too. I did get i think 4/10 to finally germinate, but they they took a bit longer than the rest of my seeds.