• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Poypoy's Growlog - First Big Harvest and Salsa!

I have hooks/seedlings on at least one of everything except the Chocolate Hab. This is what I started:

Chocolate Habanero
Red Habanero
Not Chocolate Scorpion
Naga Morich
Brain Strain Yellow
Bhut Jolokia
Suave Orange
Peach Bhut
7 Pot Yellow
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Bhut
Chocolate Bhut

Editing the first post to include the Annuums I started later:

Purple Jalapeno
Santa Fe Grande
Black Scorpion Tongue
Numex Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight



A lot of new ones for me this year. I am really looking forward to the salsas and hot sauces :)
stickman said:
Very nice pics Ben... your potted plants around the house are looking great. Especially the Fish pepper. Mine just sat there for a little over 2 months, and is just now starting to really grow. It looks like you're placed to get a great harvest now that the weather is starting to cooperate.
In the pic of the public garden on post #32... is that landscaping fabric you're using for mulch?
Yes it is.  Weeds still grow underneath it (will probably need to shell out next year for a little thicker one) and a few poke through but it has really cut down on the time I have had to spend weeding over there.  The landscaping fabric does add substantially to the planting time though.  Cutting slits, digging in the hole, and then holding the fabric out of the way while you try and get stuff planted.
Most of my pictures this time will be from my other garden plot as I haven't posted an update in a while.  The weather is finally starting to cooperate and I only have a chance of rain in the next 7 days.  I should see a lot of growth this week!

My potted Yellow 7 Pot is finally starting to throw out some bumpy pods.

These were supposed to be Caribbean Red Habaneros.  All three plants have the same yellow fruit.  I bought this seed for last season but the rabbits ate my plants so I never saw any fruit from them.  I guess we'll see what they taste like :)

Another of the offending off-types.

Another Numex Sunrise/Sunset.

My lone Chocolate Scotch Bonnet in that plot.  You can see a pod on the left but I was focusing on the flowers.

A pair of Jalapenos.  They are struggling to recover from the over-abundance of rain.


The tomatoes are doing better with the wet than the peppers are and are starting to shoot up.  I will need to run a few lines for a trellis in the next week.

The carrots are loving the weather.  I am going to get 60 pounds of carrots out of this 4x2 bed this year.

And finally my line of Basil.
I have had 15 potted peppers sitting in my backyard and yesterday was the first day I have had to water any of them at all.  The only one I had to water was my Reaper and the only reason I had to water it is because I still haven't gotten it out of the small pot it is in.  Everything is starting to look much happier and so am I :)  I was getting so crabby.
poypoyking said:
.  Everything is starting to look much happier and so am I :)  I was getting so crabby.
I understand dude... I purely do! ;)  On the plus side, the plants in your community garden look great for having been so waterlogged, and now you're past the tipping point! :dance:
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Looking good, carrots look awesome. I lost over 1/2 to rabbits, the plus side is I know what they are eating therefore them in my stew this winter will be lovely!
If I lived in the country I would consider eating them.  Never quite sure what the city rabbits get into :)
stickman said:
I understand dude... I purely do! ;)  On the plus side, the plants in your community garden look great for having been so waterlogged, and now you're past the tipping point! :dance:
Thanks, and I hope so! :)
PoyPoy got it going on!!! Those carrots are crazy! 60 Lbs in 8 square feet?!?!?! Those (not) Caribbean Reds look alot like a Santa Fe Grande...
Everything's happy and healthy up north! Here's to some warm dry days! :cheers: 
stc3248 said:
PoyPoy got it going on!!! Those carrots are crazy! 60 Lbs in 8 square feet?!?!?! Those (not) Caribbean Reds look alot like a Santa Fe Grande...
Everything's happy and healthy up north! Here's to some warm dry days! :cheers: 
For some reason I thought Santa Fe Grande were quite a bit bigger, but it looks like you might be right.  Now the question is if this is a cross between say a Santa Fe Grande and a Red Habanero or actually grande seed.
I dunno....what was the seed source? Caribbean Reds aren't one I would think many folks would be counterfeiting??? They look pretty close to a true Santa Fe, but typically they would have slightly broader and squared off shoulders and come to a little more of a prominent point. Time will tell I suppose, but I would think if crossed with a CR they'd be showing a bit more of daddy's genetics somewhere, and I don't see any Chinense traits in those pics.
stc3248 said:
I dunno....what was the seed source? Caribbean Reds aren't one I would think many folks would be counterfeiting??? They look pretty close to a true Santa Fe, but typically they would have slightly broader and squared off shoulders and come to a little more of a prominent point. Time will tell I suppose, but I would think if crossed with a CR they'd be showing a bit more of daddy's genetics somewhere, and I don't see any Chinense traits in those pics.
Sorry for the late reply - the source was Baker Creek.  I was curious so I took one off the plant and ate it.  The heat was somewhere between jalapeno and serrano and the flavor was similar to hungarian hot wax.  I won't be able to use red habs in any sauces this year but at least I will be able to use these peppers in some of my salsas.
Another week, now time for another update.  The potted plants are doing me proud.  They are growing well and starting to make me some babies.  The in ground plants are still trying to get their legs, but this last week has been much better and the extended forecast is looking pretty good.
Now for some poddage!

I was very happy to see my Yellow Bhut set some fruit while I was away this weekend.

I apologize for the horrible pic, I didn't realize it was this bad or I would have retaken it.  This is my first Chocolate Hab ever, the last 3 seasons had been busts.

This is my first Reaper pod.  Hopefully they are true to type :)

The first branch on my Chocolate Scotch Bonnet plant.

The second main branch on my Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.

A shot of a different cluster of pods on my 7 Pot Yellow.

Numex Sunrise/Sunset.  I am expecting the two biggest pods to start turning in the next week.

I was also very excited to see my Chocolate Bhut get it going.
The farmers market always has a ton of orange habaneros and thai chilis late summer.  Hopefully I can find some red habaneros too.  They are a little less common but I would think someone would grow them.
Back from vacation and all kinds of growth and crazy pod action going on.  I don't think I can get this all in one post so I will add more when I can.
First off my ripe pod pics.

The green and the red were Tam Jalapeno, and my 2 year old devoured them at supper.  The orange and the yellow pods were supposed to be my Red Habaneros.  They added a nice little serrano level heat to my tacos.  The little yellow one is an early 7 Pot Yellow.  The first couple pods always seem a bit milder.  I would put it at a very hot habanero level, 3-400k range.
I did have two purple jalapeno pods that I picked early to kick the plants into gear two weeks ago.  I set them on the table and ran into the bathroom to wash my hands.  When I came back out my 2 year old son was chomping on the second one and the first one was nearly gone.  He just looked at me and said "mmmmmm."  He loves his fruits and vegetables.  If they were closer to ripe I am guessing they would have been a little too spicy for him.

I didn't expect the 7 Pot to have such a similar flavor profile to an habanero.

I can't wait to try the Chocolate Scotch Bonnets.

Yellow Bhut.  There is a lot of anticipation on this one. 

Mr. Carolina Reaper.  Still too early to tell for sure but it appears I have a true-to-type version.

Chocolate Bhut.  I am looking forward to the various "chocolate" flavored peppers I am growing the most I think.

Peach Bhut.  All of my Bhut Jolokia varieties are doing very well.

My Chocolate Habanero.  After three years I finally have some chocolate hab pods :)

A second Peach Bhut.  I expected these a little more elongated.  I will have to blame it on the weather and growing conditions.

White Bullet Habaneros.
While I was gone something came through and chomped on 4 of my purple jalapenos.  I think I have one left.  It is a shame as that is our favorite household pepper for fresh use.   All of peppers in pots are still growing much better than the ones in the ground.  Most of that I attribute to how wet everything was up until 2 weeks ago.  Pots dry out much quicker than well mulched soil.
I do have a few more pepper pictures and general garden pictures to share in a little bit.  I think it will be 3-4 weeks before I start raking in the pods and can start making the hot sauces, salsas, and powders.  I will be using my propane stove this year to keep from fuming out my wife and the little ones.
Nice pics Ben! Your chiles in pots look great, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it in about 3 weeks or so. Good job!
stickman said:
Nice pics Ben! Your chiles in pots look great, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it in about 3 weeks or so. Good job!
Thanks Rick!  With the wet wet early summer I don't think the in the ground plants will overtake the potted ones.
Sawyer said:
Very nice.
Thanks Sawyer :)
And now a few more pics!

This is my potted fish pepper.  I don't know how big these are supposed to get - first time growing them.


My in the ground fish pepper.  The variegation showed up much later but very apparent now.

A shot of my main tomato patch.  My potted peppers have been sharing some of the real estate to keep the wife happy.  In another week all the tomatoes will be too tall and will shade the peppers so they will need a new home.  Once all the summer vacations are done 5 or 6 will end up in my office at work.

My main pepper patch.  For some reason when I was planting I thought I had more peppers than this so I put them pretty close together.  Most of them have taken off but there are a few stragglers.  The basil on the left has already given me several batches of pesto.  Middle top are some cantelope plants and middle bottom are some watermelons.  I have never gotten any sizable fruit from a melon plant up here but I had the extra space so I just threw them in for kicks and giggles.

This little bugger was actually hanging out on my tent while camping last week.  Middle of the woods with nothing around for about 20 miles.  Surprised me.

Here are some more tomatoes at the second garden plot.  They are doing much better than last year not having to contend with all the weeds.

Cucumbers growing up.  I threw these in just because I had the space, I don't nomally grow cukes.

Some Black Scorpion Tongues.  I didn't realize the picture was blurry or I would have snapped another one.

And finally another BST showing a little sun tan.
I hope the flavor is at least okay on these.  The 4 plants I crammed in there all have a decent amount of fruit on them. 
Another week another update.  First off a big shout out to coheed196 for the box of pods.  I took a taste of all of them and then froze the rest of the pods for later sauce/powder use.  I found my favorite two peppers in the mix he sent me.  I don't know how, but I had never tried a scotch bonnet up until this point.  I had always heard/believed that it was smilar to an habanero and just left it at that.  My eyes have been opened.
I cut open the Bahamian Goat Pepper that coheed sent me and it was a beautiful pepper.  Then I tasted it and I was floored.  Needless to say I had visions dancing in my head of all the hot sauces and powders I will be making in the future using the scotch bonnets and Bahamian goat peppers.
Picture time!

This is what was sent to me.  The Scotch Bonnet and the Bahamian Goat Pepper are the two in the lower left.

That taste previously mentioned got me super excited to try this Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.  I have been willing it to ripen faster all week.  It was almost all the way brown yesterday as this pic is a few days old.  I am hoping it has a similar flavor profile.

My first Chocolate Habanero is finally starting to turn.   I have a love-hate relationship with this pepper as this is the first year I have ever gotten a fruit from this type.

Throwing this non-pepper in for Sawyer.  This one is a little bit bigger than my fist.  I found 4 canteloupes and 5 watermelons over there on Saturday when I looked.  So I should get at least one melon before frost :)

Chocolate Scorpion setting some fruit on the lower branches.

In ground Peach Bhut.

White Bullet Habanero with a watermelon plant snaking around it.

Some not-Red Habaneros with some weeds I hadn't yanked yet.

A very poor shot of my in ground Chocolate Scotch Bonnet plant starting to turn.

And then a final shot of my slow growing pepper hedge in the community plot.
Vacation next week again, and then I should be in the thick of it when I get back.  The tomatoes and peppers are all gearing up to hit me all at once.  It won't be a banner year like two years ago, but it will be a good year.
I am going to do a quick update on the community garden today, and try and get the backyard tomorrow before I leave for a week.
I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures.  It is very hard to take a good picture with my phone when I can't see the screen in the sun.

My Douglah has finally started to throw out a few pods.

Some Fatalii getting closer to being ripe.

Peach Bhut

Chocolate Scorpion

Yellow 7 Pot Large.  These are so much bigger than the ones I have growing in pots at home.

The not Red Habs.  I have picked a lot of these so far this year.

It looks like one of my Caribbean Red Habaneros might actually be true to type.

White Bullet Habaneros.
I have been very happy with how things have been growing over here.  Even not taking into account the rabbit damage last year things are growing much better.  I should see what kind of a powder those not red habs make.  They ripen to orange and have a pretty decent flavor.
Just a very quick update as it has been too long.  Between vacation, work, and potty training there has been very little time for anything.  Peppers and tomatoes are starting to roll in, and I have enough pesto frozen to last us the year I think.  I might make one more batch near the end of September.   Tonight will be the first batch of salsa of the year, so I will probably snap a few pics of that too and upload them later.

Some more Creapers.  These are actually in the harvest pics below too, this picture was snapped a few days ago.

A very heavy Santa Fe Grande plant.

Today's harvest.  Now I just need to figure out what heat level I want the salsa.  I am guessing the wife will be giving me input on that.  :)

Same peppers, just piled up to get them out of the way.
That is it until later tonight when I post some salsa pictures.
I totally forgot to take any in progress pictures.  :(  This is my favorite salsa recipe.  You can change the flavor of the salsa quite a bit by changing up which peppers you use.   For the 2 year old I use mostly bell pepper with just a few jalapenos or serranos thrown in.  The original recipe called for tomato paste, tomato sauce, and sugar but I find it end up tasting too "italian" that way.   The acid is also interchangeable as long as you have 1 cup total.  So you can do a full cup cider vinegar, a full cup lime juice, lemon juice, a mix of all, etc.  I usually do half apple cider vinegar and half lime juice.  This double batch I threw a few fatalii into the mix.

Annie's Salsa


  • 8 cups tomatoes
  • 2 1/2 cups chopped onion
  • 1 3/4 cups chopped pepper
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons cumin
  • 2 teaspoons pepper
  • 1/8 cup canning salt
  • 1/4 fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup lime juice

Mix all ingredients in a large pot, bring to a boil, and boil for at least 10 minutes. Ladle into hot jars and process in a hot water bath for 15 minutes.
If you pressure can it you can use half the acid and process it at 10 lbs for 30 minutes.