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breeding PPM for Hydro Setup across stages of pepper growth?

I have a test DWC that I setup a few weeks back. I have done 2 water changes on it, I am using general hydroponics flora series. I havn't had really great luck, my plant was practically dying when I got it in the DWC, and my roots would not go down into the bucket, so its been a week now waiting for the roots to expand into the bucket.

I'm using a 6" airstone, cheapie walmart blue airstone, I can add a 2nd if need be?

I will probably be moving to jungle juice I have read good things about it, and its cheaper then the GH I guess.

I'm a bit lost on the ppm on the stages of pepper growing, I know there is directions on the bottles but of course they will say to use more then you should, and most of these are aimed
towards growing bigger cash crops, ..and so what when you are growing those you get your money worth... LOL..

does anyone have a guideline that they use for ppm / ph for there DWC setup? for peppers?

thanks in advance.
start them out around 250-300ppms step it up each week.
If you start to burn or curl the leaves back off some.
i would step up 100 ppms a week about somebody may know mora than i for peppers though
for measuring sake, have you used 5 gallon dwc for growing? and what micro/grow/bloom did it take for you to hit that 250-300?

I have heard many people only using micro and bloom or grow but not all 3 because of high Nitrogen I think? until there a certain size.

last batch on my larger plant, I think I was hitting 1000 for ppm, so ill just quarter that % of each and go from that, I guess.
i am new to the DWC world and built 2 buckets this past weekend. i do not havea TDS meter yet, but i made sure my PH was in the 6.0 range +or- (not using a digital Ph meter) and i testing them with a couple stunted plants i have that have not grown or produced pods since MAy. i too have the GH "Flora series" just the Bloom one as i have Foliage pro 9-3-6 for Growing stage. i used about 3.5 gallons of water and added 1.5tsp of the Bloom as i figured if i stay below the suggested amount i will be safe as to not "burn" the roots. they have been going since SAt and not showing any signs better or worse. i know i am rambling, i will test once i get a meter!

now here is a question that just came to me. when measuring the PPM and you all say "400-500"ppm is that in addition to what the water is or total in cluding the waters PPM? so let say my tap water is 200ppm would i add nutes till i got 400-500, or would i add till i got a reading of 600-700PPM?

thanks willard3,

and what exactly is the ratio you use (or are you talking even ratio's of each one? 1-1-1)? who are you using for nutes? I might be changing to jungle juice when I run out of this one.

what ppm do you run?

i found this thread yesterday. it helped clear a few things up for me
it aslo has a post by Willard stating what PPM he uses