Pr0digal_son`s Bode roxa. Another Brazilian Crackerjack!!!

I`m such a lucky bastard. Getting to try these amazing and rare peppers is such a privilege and makes me really happy, too! Thanks John.
Here is the Bode roxa, yet another Brazilian pepper. Another pepper that comes from a purple plant and i wonder if it is related to Cheiro rosa, which I have setting pods. In any case, this is another tremendous little pepper with chinense flavor, but very different to either the Cumari du Para or Mata frade. It`s the most complex flavour of the three and is totally delicious. It is also the hottest of the 3 by far. These really are spanking hot.
Another fine review, Nigel and yet another pepper you've made me want to try!
However, I'll be very careful with anything that makes YOU sweat.
smokemaster said:
My plant is green and pods are like this.
Pods go from green to brown then red.They are slightly ribbed.

Are their different ones?
it`s a very good question. I found a bunch of stuff online, that isn`t mine, where they look purple. Purple stems, leaf veins and some purple in the leaf. They look a lot like my Cheiro roxa, where it depends on how much sun they get as to how much purple they develop. Yours look green and the fruit looks s little different, as you say. I do not know the answer to your question, unfortunately. 


I received the seeds from Vladan,they look different than what I have seen on his site and what others have grown. Not sure what the issue is. I will lable the seeds as a mystery and pack them away. Whatever it is,it is a magnificent plant,gigantic and a great shade of purple. Might be worth me growing out to see what the F-2 looks like,if it is a cross.
I have a feeling it's like Cumari.
It is named at times from where it came from.
It seems a lot of the Cumari are a generic name.
BUT there are several variations That are red orange or yellow from different places.
Called the same thing but have different tastes,colors,pod variations or whatever.
Might be a Landrace thing,I really think it is.
My Bode Roxa are in TOTAL Southern Exposure with no purple.
Might be the landrace thing.
Probably so in my opinion.
Just a guess though.

PM me if you are interested in Dry or fresh pods to see the difference.
Mine taste like either Charapita and or White Habs.
I LOVE yellow Charapita.
Burn lasts a short time but their special Chinense taste lasts a LONG time.
The Bode Roxa is very similar but the burn lasts slightly longer than Charapita.
You'll get Carpet tunnel ( :) ) syndrom from picking either.
I have Red Charapita/red fire (Cap 691 or something) just setting pods now.
Haven't tasted then yet.
The yellow chaparitas are awesome smokemaster. I'm on trip to California this weekend and brought a box of them with me. I will have review up on Monday when I get back. The heat is awesome the way it burns and the amount of heat for being so small is really quite impressive but all the wilds with heat amaze me with their heat.
Ají hombre said:
Great review and discussion. And yeah, Nigel--you are butchering the Portuguese in the grandest style ( :party: !).
I`m trying to butcher it as best I can!!!  :rofl:

Robisburning said:
Awesome review, they look like a great pepper.  I am really looking forward to the cherio roxa review... when will your pods be ripe?
The Cheiro roxa should be ripe in a couple of weeks I think. One plant has at least 30 pods on it and is covered in flowers, the others are trying to catch up.
I grew a peach-colored cheiro last year, and it had pods very similar in shape to this. The flavor was that of an orange hab only moreso--basically everything that I dislike about orange habs was twice as strong in the peach cheiro. [In other words, it's not something I saved seeds from.] I'll be interested to see if you find your cheiro to be habbish (habby?), but I would not expect cheiro roxa to be anything like the bode roxa. 