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Pre-Geghas Khan Day Pepper Pornography


What the heck...all my plants are back inside because of severe storms tonight and tomorrow...low in the morning supposed to be 45F...low Wed morning 43F....glad I have not planted out yet...

This may be the last time they are all inside together...I got them some company too...another 1700 lady bugs...I would show some close ups but I don't want to impose on their mating rituals.. :lol: . Am posting thumbnails because each photo is about 200K.

There are 320 seedlings in this photo plus 115 freshly transplanted backups....I just noticed I have the piture labeled wrong...chinense are lower left..

Bottom Shelf of grow area........

Random pics of seedlings

Pre-Geghas Khan Day Pepper Porn

More random pics

Grow box overview...

Grow box plants

Contest Nagas...with a lady bug......

All of these plants are so ready to be loosened.....

Happy pre-Geghas Khan day......
Will seedlings die in the 40's? I have some peppers that sprouted last week outside. I planned on leaving them out unless the temp was going to drop into the 30's. will they need to come inside?
probably won't die but I don't want to set them back or stunt them...I am an overly protective father...

I am in the hardening off process so this is ok for me...

I don't remember where you are rob...and it doesn't say on your profile...all I got to say is if you have already planted out, you are south of me...main reason I brought mine in was 50-60 MPH winds in the forecast tonight and in the morning with large damaging hale and severe thunderstorms...
AJ, Im in Corpus Christi. Well south of you and on the coast. My seedlings are still in pots so I haven't actually planted out yet. This is my first time with peppers and I was worried i was misinformed about the temps. Good luck with the storms!
thanks Rob...I thought Corpus but couldn't be for sure...you should be OK down there.........
OK so this is a really early Geghas Khan celebration of life...
imaguitargod said:
Hey, Genghas Khan (Khhhhhhaaaaaaannnn!!!) Day isn't until July 8th!

I'm pretty sure Khhhhaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!!! isn't the same guy as Genghis. But that would have been funny.
AJ, did you get through the storms ok? you still on schedule for plant out on fri? Storms were a little worse than expected here but my peppers all appear to be fine
Rob said:
AJ, did you get through the storms ok? you still on schedule for plant out on fri? Storms were a little worse than expected here but my peppers all appear to be fine

The extreme weather was on both west and east sides of us...we lucked out...but rain rain rain rain, I have gotten a little over 5 inches since yesterday afternoon and still raining right now...we don't have any flooding problems where I live either, when we built this house, we chose a lot that is about 1/4 mile from the highest point in Tarrant County....still glad I brought the plants in...they didn't need to be this wet anyway...thanks for asking...
Nice looking plants there AJ. Man you are going to have to show some pics of you back yard when you get all your pepper plants out there.:hell:
Thanks Pcola...I definitely will post pics during the plant out process...I am planning on starting in two days...Friday, 21 March.

Geez, just looked at the 10 day forcast...supposed to be 39F (4C) Monday morning...looks like I will wait another week....
I think your rain has about reached us. We're supposed to have some weather this afternoon, and that's after some pretty wild weather this past weekend. I hate to speak ill of any rain, since we're coming out of a drought; but why can't we have nice gentle showers?

BTW, I feel you pain, AJ. I got my tiller out last night and fired it up to make sure everything is working properly, but it will probably be too wet to till after tonight. I had hoped to start on the tomato patch so I could have them out first of April.
Here in Fort Worth I will never complain about the rain since we are on the eastern edge of the desert...but like you, why can't we just have a gentle shower instead of downpours...forgot to look at my tomato plants this morning...wonder how they fared last night in the cold rain...it is about 48 here this morning...

If things keep on going like they are Ms. Pam...you and I may plantout the same time...I am not going to plant out until the 10 day forecast shows no temps below 45....and then I am taking a chance....we have had snow the last two easters here...I was thinking about taking the chance of planting early and have decided the chance is not worth losing my whole crop since I have put so much time and money into this years crop...

Be patient AJ....just be patient...
Hee hee hee...so how many times a day do you check weather forecasts? I check a local TV station's 7 day forcast and The Weather Channel on line at least twice a day.
I use intellicast on the computer (intellicast.com) so it is on continually with live radar updates every 5-8 minutes or so....it is running in the background all the time I am at work...

I guess I watch the temperature and severe weather alerts a couple of times an hour. And you know, this is getting tornado season here...there were warnings/watches all around us the past two nights...
Poisonette said:
I'm still amazed at how many plants you have. I thought I had my hands full.

I giggled when I read your pepper porn thread that said 1 1/2 hours to water....even bottom watering mine 40 at the time takes me about 3 hours...last time I watered individually it took me 6 hours...