Predator Poop n Anti Deer Strategy

Goat poop thread got me to thinking.  If the goat poop comes from a doe in heat or a buck in rut, it might attract deer.  Goat and deer being very closely related.  So I started wondering if there is a poop that repels deer and other foragers.

Turns out, our zoo sells predator poop and advises it not be used in the garden, but on the outside of the garden.  Turns out, if an animal eats meat, the scent of what they ate remains in the pee and poop.  Now I imagine lion pee would be just as good as lion poop, but they can not seem to fine a minimum wage employee to collect the pee.

I don't think I am ready to buy lion poop from the zoo, but we do have some anti-deer strategies.  Simple things, like when you need to pee you go to the back fence.  When I raised poultry, the eggs that didn't hatch went there too.  When wife cuts kids hair, it goes to the back fence.  Basically, the rules of deer hunting but in reverse.

I have seen fake glowing predator eyes.  I think they were LEDS.  Have thought about those solar powered marker lights, but mainly so I can walk around at night and not trip on things.

The funniest in garden strategy was eaten by a dog.  We had this solar power frog which shot a burst of water at anything that moved.  The batteries lasted well into the night.  Turns out, it was way too fun to survive the dogs.

Anyone else have some mild or wild anti deer strategies.
ajdrew said:
Now I imagine lion pee would be just as good as lion poop, but they can not seem to fine a minimum wage employee to collect the pee.
:rofl: :rofl: This ⬆︎ :rofl:
We live smack in the middle of the largest Mule Deer population in North America, (I could walk outside right now and punch one in the face), and there are only two things that we have found to be effective against deer. 1.) A product called "Liquid Fence™". It's organic and has Wolf pee in it or something. You can spray it on edible plants but it only last for about two weeks with no rain, but it works. MuskyMojo cautioned me about it tho, regarding dogs, I guess they LOVE it and if they find the container of it, the will chew through it and roll around in it. Not. Good. This stuff stinks like the dickens until it dries, like rotten eggs mixed with fermented poo.
The only other thing we have found effective to repeal deer is 2.) a 6 foot fence. If it's 5'-9", they will hurdle that shit to get to strawberries.
Admittedly, I have never tried predator excrement, but it might be worth a try if you live close to a zoo and the poop doesn't attract the same predator that the excrement came from. You don't have wild Lions around, do you? LOL
Wolf urine on edible plants.  Let me think on that one and I will get back to you.  Mmmmm, wolf pee.
On the rotten eggs, might be rotten eggs.  We had some commercial stuff a few years ago, read the ingredients, started tossing failed eggs from incubators out there.  Seems to work well.
Just take a dump in strategic places, whenever you get the urge.  Especially after burger night...
Don't forget where you left the packages!