hybrid Predict the outcome with multiple crosses of the same ?

Hi All,
I have seen the seed from some interesting crosses up for sale of late.
Some intrigue me though, e.g. 7 Pot Primo x 7 Pot
If I understand this correctly, there is two "lots" of 7 pot in that cross.
Does that provide any degree of certainty in what to expect (other thansomething very similar to plain 7 pot ;) )?
Also, I've been wondering - if I take one chilli with (X) SHU and cross with another at (Y) SHU, does the outcome normally stray very far from (X) or (Y)? I'm in NO position to try such, just wondering.
Regards from damn cold South Australia,
Interesting, from what I understand about peppers, spicy is the dominant gene (as well as the darker color in the cross, typically red).   I would think if they are crossed with the same strain of 7 pot most if not all of the F1s will be similar if not identical but nature is strange.  Will be interesting to follow.
The pictures I have seen show a shorter, more stubby red chilli.
That of course is from one plant and everything will depend on so many variables.
I wonder of it starts lime green like the regular 7 pot.
Perhaps the way to know is to grow ! (But, no enough space for everything I want - shucks).