sun Preferable? 4-5 hrs. of direct morning sun or direct afternoon sun? (Zone 5)


Have only an East facing deck, and West facing windows in my apartment.

What would be better?

4-6 hrs. of direct sunlight OUTSIDE on the deck facing EAST morning sun


4-6 hrs. of direct sunlight INSIDE in an open window facing WEST afternoon sun?
Morning sun for most plants is much better for a plants health and overall vigour. Not to mention it is usually much less fierce during summer and less likely to damage/cause wilting plants.

Also the morning sunlight spectrum often encourages more flowering due to higher amounts of the red light spectrum
Where are you from Trippa?

Thanks for your advice...

here in Chicago, we have an area we call the "Gold Coast," but I know there are also some other areas people call the "Gold Coast."
Where are you from Trippa?

Thanks for your advice...

here in Chicago, we have an area we call the "Gold Coast," but I know there are also some other areas people call the "Gold Coast."

I am from New Zealand originally and now live on the Gold Coast of Queensland Australia, a long way from chicago

Do you still feel the morning sun is more beneficial to plants in Chicago?

Intuitively I feel the same way you do.. I set a couple of crates of plants on the back porch (east sunrise porch)
just now...

But.. the only plants I have had set fruit so far are the ones on the west side windows (direct afternoon sun)

any thoughts?

Do you still feel the morning sun is more beneficial to plants in Chicago?

Intuitively I feel the same way you do.. I set a couple of crates of plants on the back porch just now...

But.. the only plants I have had set fruit so far are the ones on the west side windows (direct afternoon sun)

any thoughts?

That may have something to do with overall temperature or a variety of reasons such as the variety of the chillis , soil, nutrients, pot size insects etc, a lot of variables really. I still believe that Morning sun would be more beneficial to your plants overall during summer
Well I just moved two crates of plants from west side direct afternoon sun to the east side direct morning sun deck... I guess we'll find out

One crate is mostly annumus, and one side is mostly chinenses.. needed to make some room on the window sill to expose some of the others to get ready to move them outside too
Amen to the morning sun...
yes sir...usually morning sun comes with cooler temperatures and higher humidities and it has been my experience peppers don't grow as well in afternoon sun only when it is hot and dry...the fencelines on my property run N-S...plants on the west fenceline always grow bigger and produce more than plants on the east fenceline...

I have no research or anything to back this up with, just my experience of growing

I forgot to say, the above is here in Fort Worth and the further north you go, the less you have to worry about it I suppose since your sun isn't as hot as ours is...
Well Jack... now you are contra-indicating yourself.. you say plants on the west fence line do best, but you also suggest plants facing the morning sun do best (east).

Which is it?

I will I had Ft. Worth sunnage.. just gotta deal with what I got.
clarification....they are on the east side of the west fenceline...after the sun is straight overhead, shade starts to hit them....

like I said, to me, the further north you go, the less you have to worry about it since you guys don't get the string of 100 temps in July and August like we do down here...
IMO for peppers, yes...but it is hard to separate sun intensity and me they go hand in hand...the more intense the sun, the hotter it is...

if your plants are producing in June, do they stop producing in July/August? My chinense stop producing totally in July/August but keep on growing...
Decided to put them on the east side facing morning sun exposure side of the apartment...

Putting this in the glog:
IMO they will love you for that...
Regardless of the direction of the sun, I think plants like it outdoors
better than indoors all things being equal. Air circulation and the
transpiration processes function better in an open environment,
in my own schema. I could be talkin' out my ear, but I would put
them on the balcony where they can enjoy the morning sun, fresh
air and humidity as AJ stated above.

Good growin', hope your plants get real happy!