Wow. I enjoyed the box I got. Those are a grip.
You got it man.... Appreciate your kind words and your passion for my pepper. Like I've always said, "Do what you do with honesty, and integrity. In the end, even if you dont succeed, you know you did what you love doing." No one can take that from you man. It's my montra. I hope you sell a million 7 Pot Primo's man. I see the passion in you Dale. The same dream I started with....BakersPeppers said:
I hope you enjoy those pods my man! Im doing EVERYTHING I can to get these AWESOME peppers you have created to the MASSES!! Like I have said TIME and TIME again, The Primo is IMHO the HOTTEST pepper on the PLANET!! When we have the results from the testing we will be posting it on my website, www.BakersPeppers.comI have had some fruit off these plants as big as some of my Trinidad Scorpion Chocolates! It's going to truly be an AWESOME Fall 2013 harvesting season!
We really appreciate you PUBLICLY giving us permission to grow/sell/trade/market these Primo Peppers. Others such as Butch T have also reached out to us here at Bakers Peppers, just to give support and also let us know we are on the RIGHT track. Since pursuing this new business goal of supplying NUCLEAR hot peppers to the masses, we have had some try to "Shove us out of the game" or try to "Throw their weight around".......Well let me be the FIRST to say with the continued support of the TRUE chili head community, our goal WILL be achieved no matter WHAT these other so called "Big Boys" try to throw our way!!
Thanks again Mr. Primeaux!! With your endorsement you have just throw fuel on the FIRE!! The FIRE is spreading...............Get your Primo's at
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter