breeding Preventing cross pollination

I have not found topic here with sufficient answers, if there is, please jsut post link.
Hello growers,
I'm growing many peppers in soil in my greenhouse and I'd love to keep seeds for next year. I'm scared that the plants would pollinate each other and I would collect some hybdrid seeds.
What is your advice for harvesting "pure breed" seeds from fruits. I tried zip lock bag but the blossom fell off with it. (maybe it was bad luck and I should try it again?)
Bag the entire plant with tulle fabric from a craft store, before flowers open and until you see fruit set. Remove the bag and tag thr set fruits you intend to save.

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peppamang said:
Elmer's glue on the unopened flower. Just a little dab to keep it shut. It will pollinate itself and when it's done the flower will fall off. 
I've read this already somewhere but is it better than use the bag ? The bag is easier to apply and it will protect all the flowers, old and new.
In my experience, I've had better luck with glue. I used a bag once and it took over two weeks to set a pod. I shook it and everything. It just kept dropping flowers. With the glue, I'll do two or three flowers at a time because not all will take. Sometimes all of them will drop. You just gotta keep trying. Sometimes they take right away and you'll have multiple isolated pods. Nothing wrong with that. Lol. But I just tap on them a few times throughout the day to move the pollen around inside. I guess it's hit or miss either way...for me, anyway. What I like best about the glue is when one sets, it's DEFINITELY pure seed. I always worry about foreign pollen floating through the bags. I don't know how likely that is.

Here's a little tutorial on gluing from a few years ago.