PRF Pepper Porn

Just a few photos of my pepper starts for 2008. Started planting seeds end of January so all plants 4-6 weeks old. I have somewhere near 17 different peppers all grown under single MH bulb. All plants going outside in containers beginning of April.

A close-up Naga just 4 weeks old,

a few Habs...

I'm with AJ, spring can't come soon enough!
Those plants look Fantastic! I love looking at other peoples pictures.
Just curious, how do you water all of those plants. The reason that I'm asking is because it looks like you have double the plants that I do and you're also using the plastic cups. Do you have a watering setup like AJ? OR, do you fill each individual cup with water as I do (which I have found takes awhile)?
Very nice PRF...I think we are both chompin' at the bits waitin' for plantout.....
Good looking bunch of plants!

I've got the itch...I transplanted lettuce last night into "salad bowls". I fill several large round pots with different varieties of lettuce to give to friends and family.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I water my plants the old fashion way one at a time and from the top till it drips, it takes a couple hours every other day to complete. So ready to start using the hose outside to water my plants during my smoke breaks. AJ, my weather is just like yours for the next ten days and I also really want to get my plants outside ASAP. I think I'll start to hardening off my plants over the next week at any rate.
That certainly is a beautiful collection of plants, great job!
I'm guessing the use of a MH light source produces much better results then the typical fluorescent bulbs for germinating as my plants at 4 weeks are half the size as yours.
Pepp3rFreak, the larger plants are closer to 6 weeks old now. I germinated my plants under floro lighting then placed in a window sill after transplant to cup for a week, next under the MH bulb. The MH has close to 50,000 lumens and a floro tube is close to 2,500 lumen so there is no comparision.
Yup...headed home for lunch right now to get mine out for the very first time....gonna put them on the back porch under the awning for a few direct sun and sheltered from the south and west wind
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Pepp3rFreak, the larger plants are closer to 6 weeks old now. I germinated my plants under floro lighting then placed in a window sill after transplant to cup for a week, next under the MH bulb. The MH has close to 50,000 lumens and a floro tube is close to 2,500 lumen so there is no comparision.

Thanks for the info! Yeah, unfortunately I'm kinda stuck with the fluorescents though as my wife won't allow any setup with MH/HPS lights since I've already been done in my the law years ago for growing stuff thats a little more pleasing to the mind. I think she knows me enough that the temptation would be too much :lol: