for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

Heyya PRF are you ready to let loose of some?Would still love some peach habs and if at all possible 1 scorp.I know I ask alot but--- lol if not let me know what I owe you. Rich
Sorry all peppers are gone USPS priority mail on Saturday morning, told me to expect a monday or tuesday delivery. :woohoo:

I'll get those to you next week Rich. :oops:
Oh yea what do I owe you?Hit me with a addy and i`ll have it in the mail within 48 hrs. Rich
PRF ..... Got my peppers yesterday. Thanks !! The Naga's are hot as heck with a nice taste. The Doughlah's are very hot too. Not a bad taste but nothing special , mainly hot. The Big Sun Bonnets tasted very nice , plenty of heat. On the first two I was a wuss ..... I only tested a 1/4" strip about 1/2" long. I'm not crazy about gobbling raw peppers , but always taste a little everything. I tasted those several hours apart so I could tell a difference.

P. Dreadie
i got mine too and they all look great except for the scorpions but those were "extra" so no worries. it looks like some sort of pest had its way with them. can i still cut them open and save the seeds?
Slice the pod open and if the seeds are healthy looking cut the whole seed cluster out in to a small dish, be sure to label. Let dry several days and then remove the seeds from the placenta and let dry another couple days. I'm glad you all are receiveing the boxes so quickly and in pretty good shape. I'm really liking the Saturday postage for a Monday delivery coast to coast. :onfire:
ok i'll do that! thanks for the hookup! my boss and i are going to sample one of the bhuts today. i'll report back and let you know if i burn my lips off.
I got my pkg Monday. It felt just like Christmas day for me. Ever since I discovered this site, (May) I have been dying to taste the Fataliis. I sliced up half of one in about six pieces and ate them over a period of 30 min. The rest went on a couple of pizza slices last night. That was pure bliss! Thanks Cappy! Someday I will return your generosity. By the way, what do you think the unknown pods might be?
Unknown pods are usually a hot cross that are nice looking pods and are good to eat. Positive feedback like your Fatalli story is the whole reason I'm doing this. Glad to help.
i just split a bhut with my boss and a co-worker. very hot to say the least. i made the mistake of eating it off the knife i cut it with and slid my lips across the dull side of the knife. my lips are still burning but the initial heat wave has subsided. this was my first superhot. i could definitely taste the flavor of the pepper under the heat and i liked it. i may be hooked. thanks PRF!
Get them in the refrigerator right away and see if that helps any Mike. I don't know how I can ship them any faster or more discreetly. Let me know after you eat a Douglah if everything is alright. :mouthonfire:
From watching all the video, I have to say that the Douglah is the one that has me a little scared. :scared: Though some day when I get a 7 Pot Brain Strain up to my face, I 'm afraid I may soil something.