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Primo released some new pepper seeds

juanitos said:
i like his stuff and him as a person but goddam are his prices high
I've noticed more and more of the quality seed purveyors prices going up to that range, in the last year.
I believe it's a sign of the times and that kinda pricing will be the norm in a couple years.
i remember when it was just Duffy that seemed "overpriced" now it's quite common.
I would guess since it's a new release that he's trying to make as much money as possible because next season other sellers will uncut him. That's just my thoughts. He should also sell Big Mustard Mama by the truckloads since all the hype from pepper X.
Seed prices are ridiculous now, if I were growing all these fancy new superhots every year I'd be spending more money on seeds than grow tech, pots, water and soil. I'm seeing really high prices everywhere else from seed vendors. 
peppamang said:
Seed prices are ridiculous now, if I were growing all these fancy new superhots every year I'd be spending more money on seeds than grow tech, pots, water and soil. I'm seeing really high prices everywhere else from seed vendors. 
Seed prices are rising with some vendors but "Buckeye Pepper Company" just actually lowered their prices.  Located in Lima and I consider them one of the big vendors with quality seeds so check them out. 
I cant really blame Try Primo for his prices, his peppers are great and in my view worth the price.  I think for the casual grower who grows maybe a couple varieties its well worth the price to get quality Isolated seeds from Troy Primo. 
thegreenman said:
If the seeds are isolated and include shipping I would say thats a fair price. 
I expect they are isolated (although it doesn't specify), but shipping is $3 extra. So, $11 for one packet of seeds. It seems a bit high, but I guess what you are really paying for is the chance to get these varieties directly from their creator.
Rajun Gardener said:
 He should also sell Big Mustard Mama by the truckloads since all the hype from pepper X.
Is that really a thing now?  I read a couple people goofing around about it, but sounds like maybe some folk really think it happened.
Voodoo 6 said:
 Pretty good for 11 clams. Plus its Primo!!!!
EXACTAMUNDO!  I think it is like buying a new car vs. buying a used car.  Also, it doesnt matter if a person buys into the whole Reaper is a Primo thing, the fact is Primo was available first and tests as hot or hotter than the Carolina Reaper. So I figure the man got a raw deal.  Not saying it was deliberately dealt mind you, but he deserves our support.  More so now that he is going full ahead in the business.

OK, so maybe I am kind of sold on the guy.  He takes time to talk to the likes of me, so I am flattered.
I don't think his prices are that high. Look at Puckerbutt and then look at the Puckerbutt prices. They just got lowered. How long did Ed sell 12-15 dollar packs of seeds? For gosh sakes he sold 20- 40 dollar bottles of got sauce.

I'd pay 8 -10 dollars a pack of seeds to a man I see with integrity and worth that makes no qualms about almost anything.

There's too many out here trying to make a quick buck with no love..
I find sincerely frustrating seeing more and more unstable stuff and bad naming practice in seeds exchange and poor vendor sites.
I prefer to invest in few quality varieties from a serious breeder or grow heirlooms/landraces from trusted sources. For 15+ isolated seeds prices are fair, you will end up with a legit new variety that you can regrow for years to come.
i understand about troy as a person is great, and he grows correctly, no shady shit is nice. 
I understand his history of how he got screwed over more or less.
Comparing him to other overpriced people yeah he is just fitting in.
go to a vendor that does thousands in sales like rareseeds.com none of their prices are that high.
peppers are just vegetables, they aren't treated specially, have crazy growing conditions or anything...
He states it is not stable yet. He doesn't state if it they are isolated or not.
when there are other vendors like whitehot / pepperlover / juanitos / semillas idk why anyone would pay the 200-400% premium.
Don't get me wrong, I do like and respect Troy's style and approach to the pepper scene.
However as reputable quality seed producers (such as Troy) raise their prices over ten bucks.
Far less caring seed chuckers are going to see it as a chance to match that price for a lower grade product.
It just makes it a lil' more important to do your homework on who you are sourcing your seeds from at over ten bucks a pack.
P.S. If I was seeking to buy Primo seeds, I would source them from Troy at his asking price to pay homage.
Eh... Average price of seed is what? 2-5 dollars a pack? I'll kick in an extra three knowing the source. And if I want regular varieties/species then I'll go to the other vendors. I don't see a lot of people offering the same stock as him either.

When I want some fancy cut of meat, I'll go to the butcher and pay a little more. If I just want some ground beef I can go anywhere for it.
sirex said:
I don't see a lot of people offering the same stock as him either.

When I want some fancy cut of meat, I'll go to the butcher and pay a little more. If I just want some ground beef I can go anywhere for it.
I've seen heaps of people growing,trading and selling these for atleast two years. And if I'm being honest,way nicer specimens than I see in the link.

More power to the guy for chasing a dream though. But it's more like chasing a car tire and not a dream. I don't understand why people share these before they ever make a cent off of them??

Again,I hope he does well. I talked to him years before drama and self-promoting took over this hobby/industry,and he was more than nice with me.