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organic Pro Mix Ultimate Organic for Vegetables.

Has anyone here used this? And if so please let me know what you thought of it, like how well it worked for you, any problems in particular with it and so forth. Thank you.
I've not used that particular mix but I have used several by Pro Mix and anything by them is top of the line stuff. Just my opinion.
Never seen that one, but Pro-Mix is great stuff on the whole. It is kind of sad seeing them jump into the trend word marketing game, but that is the nature of things these days. What price are you seeing it go for? A quick online search showed me $11-12 per 1cu ft bag... A compressed 3.8cu ft bale breaks out to almost 8cu ft and should only run about $35-40 a bale. That is a pretty big markup for just adding a bit of "Soy-based Natural Fertilizer". Everything else in that mix is in the Pro-Mix BX and HP, I think.
I saw it and passed on getting it and amended my own Pro-Mix instead with organic matter. I prefer to buy the 3.8 cu ft bales when possible. I also bought a bunch of 2 cu ft bales for my square foot gardens
I found it for $6.44 per 1 cf bag. I ended up using about 40 bags, maybe more, for my raised beds and pots. I am having an issue with it that I am not having with another raised bed that was filled with another kind of soil. I have contacted Premiere Hort but they have seemed less than interested in my issue so I was just wondering if anyone else might have been having similar issues. 
What issue are you having? I am not really surprised that Premier isn't interested, unless you are a professional grower they probably don't have the personnel resources to try and figure out your issues.
I am sure with all the knowledge we have here, someone will be able to point you in the right direction.
I know this may seem trivial to some, but for me it is not for several reasons. But, the issue I am having is weeds, not just a few, but hundreds. In one 3 foot by 3 foot bed there was honestly over a hundred little weeds growing. I have 5 raised beds and one bed in ground and around 20 planters. All of these except one raised bed and a few pots, were filled with Pro Mix and have hundreds of little grass looking weeds growing in them. All of my beds are not under any trees or anything, and the weeds are obviously new and not coming up from the bottom or anything. The one raised bed with another soil type has not had any problems with weeds. Maybe gotten a few but nothing really. 
I know hundreds of small weeds probably isn't a big deal to a lot of you so I hope no one is offended or anything, but for me it is a big deal. I am currently disabled and dropped every penny I had into this garden and thought I was buying stuff I would not have these issues with. Thank the Lord I have teenage children who spend the hours every few days to weed it all for me because there is no way I could do it all. Right now we are just hoping we get to a point where there is no more weed seeds to start growing.
I understand what your saying about being more concerned with the big growers, but if you are going to bag and market something for the little guy, like me, then you should be prepared with the resources needed to assist the little guy also. Although that is just my opinion of course.
Nobody is offended so no worries there, I'd try mulch. I have had small instance of grass in one of my square foot gardens but it looks like nut grass and I get that every year. 
I also get TONS of grass in my pots, in my gardens, in my raised beds, it is literally everywhere that I grow, which is why I go through so much effort to use mulch, plastic mulch, and ground cover. Even with all of that, I spend 90% of my gardening time, pulling weeds, hoeing weeds, tilling through weeds or hitting them with the weed eater. It is a never ending battle, especially when you are organic, and especially this year with all the rain.
I have never had a problem with Pro-Mix having weed seeds in it, of course, I am sure that some sneaks in there, there is no way they can prevent it. I leave a big container full of moistened Pro-Mix in my garage pretty much year round, and the only time I notice weeds coming up is when I mix in compost, or a couple of weeks after I fill pots and put them outside. The best I can tell, I always have the same varieties of weeds/grasses coming up, which leads me to believe the seeds are finding their way into the mix locally, if they were in there from the time of harvesting the sphagnum, I would think I would be seeing weeds that are native to Canada and not Illinois (though I am sure some are native to both places).
So, I am not saying you didn't get a bad batch of Pro-Mix, but here is my personal theory, based solely on my experiences, it is only one possible scenario out of many:
I think the reason you are seeing much more weeds in the Pro-Mix beds than the "other mix" is due to the superior nature of Pro-Mix. Any seeds that make it into the Pro-Mix are going to germinate, where your "other mix" may not have the right stuff to support germination. I would guess the seeds are in the other bed, but are slowed down due to it being a heavier mix of soil, a difference in water retention, or some other variable.
I hope this helps, and I agree, companies SHOULD make an effort to take care of EVERY customer, not just the big ones.