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Probable Wind Damage?

I noticed the young leaves on some of my plants showing some type of burn damage it appears. We had winds about a week ago that were very strong consistantly for about a week. I just want to verfify that the plant doesent have any type of virus or such.

It actually is starting to remind me of what happens when you apply too much nitrogen / fertilizer. I say that because of the curling and deformation of the new leaves, plus they already have a very dark green color.
I have some kind of burn too:


I was actually thinking it was either aphids (found two tiny little bugs the other day - not sure if they were aphids or not) or too much nitrogen/fertilizer. Didn't think of wind damage tho (of course, mine looks a little different to yours).

I also have two "cracked" looking leaves.

Cracked leaf:

Ive notice the Jalepeno plants also have some abnormal leaf curling on the new growth.



Any ideas?

All the plants have been trated the same way, only 2 of the scotch bonnets appear to have the leaf curling on the new growth.
Maybe calcium or nutrient deficiency?
New leaf curl for me happens when I overfeed. The older leaves will look normal and quite healthy but the new ones are curled up. Laying off the fertilizer and just plain watering will bring them back to normal. Can't say that's your case unless you detail how you've been feeding them.
They have 1 does of 15-30-15 bloom booster the past month. And has rained twice since then, so I imagine alot of the nutrients have washed out.
Usually when pics like these come up its either aphids, overwatering, or deficiencies in magnesium and/or calcium
You shouldn't need bloom booster, maybe that's your problem. How much did you use? Hopefully much less than recommended on the label.
Excessive phosphorus reduces the plant's ability to take up required micronutrients, particularly iron.
I mixed according to direction but I only give about 2 cups of liquid each plant after its mixed.

There are no aphids around this wrinkled areas so it must be nutrient related.
Well I'm still trying to figure out what this problem is...
I've only been using water on these plants but nothing has seemd to change.
Also there are no bugs or aphids around, and it has received the same exact care as the normal looking plant in the last pic.




This is one of the normal looking plants.
It might also be overwatering. Check to make sure the pot is almost completely dry, even down to the bottom before you water.
Mutated new growth with some necrotic leaf margins, looks like textbook calcium deficiency to me, but i'm a noobtard so take it as you will :)
LancelBracken said:
Mutated new growth with some necrotic leaf margins, looks like textbook calcium deficiency to me, but i'm a noobtard so take it as you will :)

Its had 1 table spoon of bone meal once a month, just like the other healthy plants.

I've noticed it slightly on some of my younger plants which have not had any bone meal yet. Maybee it is a lack of calcium dispite my best efforts.
The stuff I have must break down pretty damn slow.

Would hydrated lime add calcium to the soil?
I was just curious if under fertilizing can cause the issues with the leaves in the pics I posted?

When I was fertilizing once every 2 weeks I dont recall having all the issues im having with new leaves curling up and becommming disfigured.

I have to tell you the problem is really starting to drive me crazy.
i have the problem sometimes. i dont know what it is b ut i just clip the leaves off and the new growth sprouts up again. Its not that wind here so maybe not wind damage. Maybe climate i dont know.
Well i first thought it was the wind but I know thats not the case.
New growth grows and just starts becomming disformed, curled and then dries upand dies all of a suddent from a perfectly healthy looking plant.

Im just a bit surpsied that more people havent experienced this and has an idea what it is.
I had it happen to a rats turd plant and all the other plants that were planted around the same area in the same dirt, getting the same amount of water and fertilizer didn't show any signs of it. I have never been able to figure it out.