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Probably going to have to throw em out, but...

So about 4 months ago, i decided i would use some of my last peppers of the season to make my first fermented hot sauce. Jar 1 i blended up some superhots, carrot, garlic, onion and tomato added a brine. Jar 2, halved about 400g of CGN-21500s and chucked them in a brine solution. No additional cultures were added to either of them
Put both jars in a corner and left them, with only the occasional look in. 
Jar 1 went from being a complete mash solution, to having solids on top and a layer of water underneath, and now looks like a mash with a water layer on top (significantly more water than i added initially.
Jar 2 looks fairly similar, with only a slight change in colour of the peppers in liquid. Though at about 1 month mark, had a tiny bit of black mold on top, which i removed and  has not returned.
GIven I didnt really keep an eye on them, I have no idea whether they bubbled or burped significantly, and am slightly paranoid as to whether there may be some sort of toxicity, and cant find any good way to test.
Any suggestions, or should I just be risk averse, turf it all?