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Problem Growing Habernos

I brought some pepper plants for container growing. Have sweet peppers, jalepenos and habernos. They are doing great except for the Habernos. Seem to be growing really slow and the leaves seem yellowish. Any ideas on the problem- if any. It seems to be producing new leaves,albeit small ones. Also looks wilted in the afternoons in spite of being watered almost daily.
Hot Head
if its from a nursery or store pot that baby up, they keep them in small pots for maximum space, habaneros are also from hot dry places so dont over water them, if the soil is dry and leaves are wilted needs water, you can also tell by sticking your finger in the soil an inch or two if it feels damp/wet dont water, just because the surface is dry doesnt mean its dry near the bottom
Also...  from your description it sounds like you could have a young plant getting too much sun.  Try putting the hab in a spot with more "filtered light."  My anuums are getting along with full sun better than my chinenses. 
You Habs are a Chinese variety with larger leaves. They are affected by the elements seem like more than others in my experience. Mine would get very wilted almost daily in the summer but by night time they were reaching for the stars. It's hard to look at a Chinese plant during the heat of the day. Don't over care. That's when you will do more damage than good.
Yes, pot up. Most plants I've bought were almost rootbound when I got them home. And chances are they were under filtered light, so it may take a little careful exposure to get them used to full sun. Best of luck!
spicy_echo said:
You Habs are a Chinese variety with larger leaves. They are affected by the elements seem like more than others in my experience. Mine would get very wilted almost daily in the summer but by night time they were reaching for the stars. It's hard to look at a Chinese plant during the heat of the day. Don't over care. That's when you will do more damage than good.
i agree 100% with my c.chinense by the end of the day the leaves are always droopy looking like they have no energy lol, but then lights go off at 9pm and by the time the lights are on at 5am all the leaves are standing tall waiting for that light.
wilting is a little different the leaves look different and feel different
Thanks for all the replies.  You've been a big help..  They've been in the big containers for about a month now. Just seems like they haven't grown any since that time. I have been watering them every day since the weather has warmed up. Will leave alone for now and stop babying them. Wish I could take some photos but am a lousy photographer.
Thanks again.
If it is droopy in the morning when it is still cool it needs water. I notice plants drooping in the afternoon heat in damp soil like they are in a sweat lodge. Stick your finger in the dirt, if it is still a little damp, you probably don't need water yet. Another thing to watch is the soil temperature. If the dirt a few inches down is getting warm to the touch, the plant can get droopy. Find a way to shade the sides of the pot.
I also think the problem is too much sun.  If the place you got them did not have them in full sun then they will definitely droop a little and look stressed if you put them straight on a full sun regimen without hardening them off first.  Try partial sun and see if they perk up, and then move to more sun and see how the new growth looks.