Problem with Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Hi, ferst grow, need diagnostic.

Repoted my jamaican hot chocolate ant topped it, and leaves starting to dryout, and look's like some calcium deficiency.
It's indoors, growing on my windowsill, only sun light
room temp 23C, water it only once after repoting, make some draіnage holes in soil, maybe to much water. No bugs. 

So any ideas?
Good to know. Thanks. I have a seedling of Jamaican Hot Chocolate going, too - and a couple to give away. I recently dissolved some epsom salt in water and gave it to my peppers because my Carolina Reaper was looking a bit yellow.
Jamaican Hot Chocolate IS a great pepper!
Lost these days +/- due to super hot mania and crosses.
When I've grown them they were bullet proof.
Don't kill it with love.
Might be a PH problem.
OR a mix of too high a Mag. or Ca. problem.
I see a lot of Ca. Mag. problems due to PH or overdosing plants with either.(constant Epsom salt use).
From my understanding,the same receptors in a plant obsorb both Mag. and CA.
I don't top my plants.
If you have to top them,you aren't giviving them enough light or?
I grow starts on shelves.IF lighting is right,I have 5 inch mini hedges.Topping them would De crease my plant out pot size.
I'm going to set my LEDS up again late this year.
I am using crap for light now.
Plants are a shadow of what my USUAL grow was 2yrs. ago due to health plants suck-by MY standards.