Problem with my Rocotos

Hi all,
I'm having some issues with my rocotos I planted earlier this year. One I grew from seed the other was purchased as a 30cm tall tube stock. Both had been growing really well until recently when the seedling began to yellow and drop it's leaves. Eventually it turned brown altogether and died. Now the other purchased plant is doing the same - leaves turning yellow and falling off. Although it has some thick new growth back down below the bare twigs. I prepared the soil with blood & bone prior to planting down to a depth of approx 20cm. It gets watered daily as daytime temps are still 30 degrees C here. Any ideas on what's wrong and how I can save it before it's too late? Thanks.
Pic from 1-2 weeks ago:
And tonight shows dead/bare twigs and the new green growth:
Thanks :)
MonoJoker said:
Hi all,
I'm having some issues with my rocotos I planted earlier this year. One I grew from seed the other was purchased as a 30cm tall tube stock. Both had been growing really well until recently when the seedling began to yellow and drop it's leaves. Eventually it turned brown altogether and died. Now the other purchased plant is doing the same - leaves turning yellow and falling off. Although it has some thick new growth back down below the bare twigs. I prepared the soil with blood & bone prior to planting down to a depth of approx 20cm. It gets watered daily as daytime temps are still 30 degrees C here. Any ideas on what's wrong and how I can save it before it's too late? Thanks.
Pic from 1-2 weeks ago:
And tonight shows dead/bare twigs and the new green growth:
Thanks :)
I would agree, don't water every day. Let the soil dry up a bit. Are you noticing any new green growth at the nodes?
How much afternoon sun does it get? At 30C it shouldn't have much if any any direct sun after noon. Also It sounds like you are overwatering to compensate for it getting cooked. I dont give mine afternoon sun unless its below 22-23C
Welcome to THP
hogleg said:
How much afternoon sun does it get? At 30C it shouldn't have much if any any direct sun after noon. Also It sounds like you are overwatering to compensate for it getting cooked. I dont give mine afternoon sun unless its below 22-23C
Welcome to THP
I have a couple 1 foot healthy looking rocotos right now and they are getting full sun. Should I place them in an area where they only get sun up until noon or 1 ?
SavinaRed said:
I have a couple 1 foot healthy looking rocotos right now and they are getting full sun. Should I place them in an area where they only get sun up until noon or 1 ?
Being in Modesto where it gets hot as the devils balls sometimes in summer, I would. I try to keep mine out of direct sun above 75-80F, however late fall, winter, and early spring I give mine nearly full sun when the temps are cooler. I know some members give theirs more sun in the heat but this is what works best for me where I am.
hogleg said:
Being in Modesto where it gets hot as the devils balls sometimes in summer, I would. I try to keep mine out of direct sun above 75-80F, however late fall, winter, and early spring I give mine nearly full sun when the temps are cooler. I know some members give theirs more sun in the heat but this is what works best for me where I am.
OK thanks as this is my first year growing them. One plant has a couple of buds that hopefully flower soon.
As long as they fruit before our summer hits hard, you'll at least get to try some. After that I doubt the Pubes will continue fruiting in our heat. Later on I think i'm going to get some 60% shade cloth for a dedicated Pubes bed.
Mine grow much better when I put them in a shady/partial sun spot. When I put them out into full sun they get cooked with 30C weather and end up going through what yours are.
Tried to grow em for 3 seasons.  Started off good each time while temps were mild but as soon as summer rolled up...BAM..Die baby Die.  And I put them in coolest shadiest area I had but high 90 degree plus heat they can't handle.  High humidity here too.  I'm not set up to grow them in air conditioned enviro.  So, no Pubescens  for me.
Funny thing, a member here near Brownsville, TX down in the deep valley bordering Mexico said he had one that thrived.  Go's hotter there than where I'm at.   I  finally gave up on the Manzano Dream in my locale.
Streamer said:
Tried to grow em for 3 seasons.  Started off good each time while temps were mild but as soon as summer rolled up...BAM..Die baby Die.  And I put them in coolest shadiest area I had but high 90 degree plus heat they can't handle.  High humidity here too.  I'm not set up to grow them in air conditioned enviro.  So, no Pubescens  for me.
Funny thing, a member here near Brownsville, TX down in the deep valley bordering Mexico said he had one that thrived.  Go's hotter there than where I'm at.   I  finally gave up on the Manzano Dream in my locale.
I've had shade plants (no direct sun at all) that produced pods. Granted they weren't as big or produced as many pods as the partial sun plants but they did produce some. Don't give up, try shade plants. You'd be surprised at how little light they can get by with. Once you get em figured out they really are one of the funnest plants to grow. I've got a yellow manzano going into its 5th or 6th year (I can't remember?)
BTW I'm in zone 9b which cant be all that much different than yours. Just don't give up, It can be done.  :dance:
Streamer said:
Tried to grow em for 3 seasons.  Started off good each time while temps were mild but as soon as summer rolled up...BAM..Die baby Die.  And I put them in coolest shadiest area I had but high 90 degree plus heat they can't handle.  High humidity here too.  I'm not set up to grow them in air conditioned enviro.  So, no Pubescens  for me.
Funny thing, a member here near Brownsville, TX down in the deep valley bordering Mexico said he had one that thrived.  Go's hotter there than where I'm at.   I  finally gave up on the Manzano Dream in my locale.
They are many varieties of Pubescens.
Some of them came from hotter areas .
Maybe you don't tried the right variety.
I have right now 56 varieties growing
az1000 said:
They are many varieties of Pubescens.
Some of them came from hotter areas .
Maybe you don't tried the right variety.
I have right now 56 varieties growing
I agree with az1000, every year I try out new cultivars of Pubescens to see what grows well where I live. I have found several varieties that love the weather here, despite people telling me that you can't grow rocoto in NOVA.

I position my Pubescens plants so that they get a half day of sun daily. Whether they are in the ground, or in pots, the most sun they get is half a day of morning or afternoon sun. This has worked well for me. We do get up into 33-37° in the summer, but as long as they get a half day of shade, they are fine.
Hate to say I've tried 5-6 varieties...all brown thumbed results  :( .  All other stuff I grow do well.  :doh:

Was wondering if anybody in Southern areas of Texas grow pubesc.     I'm all ears to hear what you have had success with
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I agree with az1000, every year I try out new cultivars of Pubescens to see what grows well where I live. I have found several varieties that love the weather here, despite people telling me that you can't grow rocoto in NOVA.

I position my Pubescens plants so that they get a half day of sun daily. Whether they are in the ground, or in pots, the most sun they get is half a day of morning or afternoon sun. This has worked well for me. We do get up into 33-37° in the summer, but as long as they get a half day of shade, they are fine.
Are you in Virginiai?   DMV?  NOVA? North Virginia??   I'm guessing.
I'm doing an experiment. I just planted 2 seedlings that are between 4-6 inches in the ground at a place that gets 70-80 % shade. My other 2 plants I'm leaving in containers and will move them around where they will get only morning sun and noon through late afternoon shade.
The only trouble I have had with pubescence was the first year I started growing them and that was related to germination issues. Since then I have grown them without issue in partial sun situations as well as full sun and all have done very nicely. Don't let anyone fool you about northern Illinois. It can get downright blistering during summer and has a nasty humidity to deal with all year long.
Streamer said:
 And I put them in coolest shadiest area I had but high 90 degree plus heat they can't handle.  High humidity here too.
Here in Sactown we get consistent 100+ summer temps. My Pubecens plant definitely needed shade/cooler temps to thrive but it didn't die. Its been outside since a seedling and it's now two years old. Was yours in pots? Mine was in a large raised bed with 40% shade cloth. It could be the variety too. I bought the Giant Mexican Rocoto from Pepper Lover. Perhaps give that specific variety a shot in a bed or large pot..
CAPCOM said:
Since then I have grown them without issue in partial sun situations as well as full sun and all have done very nicely.
Any varieties in your experience that do better than others in full sun scenarios? 