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Problem with young plants

Hi all,

My first post here, but I am desperate for some informed help. I have been cultivating a few different varieties from seed and a few of my seedlings have developed deformed leaves/shoots. I'm not sure if it's a nutrient or over watering issue, but any feedback from you more experienced growers would be most helpful. I have grown these seedlings on in 10cmm pots and have not fed yet:


Please let me know if you ave any ideas - they would be much appreciated.
Hi all,

My first post here, but I am desperate for some informed help. I have been cultivating a few different varieties from seed and a few of my seedlings have developed deformed leaves/shoots. I'm not sure if it's a nutrient or over watering issue, but any feedback from you more experienced growers would be most helpful. I have grown these seedlings on in 10cmm pots and have not fed yet:


Please let me know if you ave any ideas - they would be much appreciated.
Generally, that is the common symptom of aphids feeding on the head shoot of a plant. Their saliva is toxic and pepper plants usually react this way to it. No worries though once the aphids are gone things will start growing normally. :)
I think you can actually see one on the leave shooting off to the left.
Yep. I'm surprised more growers don't recognize this for what it is. I see a lot of growers trying to throw nutrient lockout or deficiency at this problem and that just isn't the case. I read this at 35 views and was the first to reply :shocked:
" Now you knoooooow " lol :P
just repot. they'll outgrow it. should at least. get a different growing medium or make sure your new soil is disease free. and check yer water.
Thanks for the replies, I think you could well be right about aphids. My eyesight is terrible so I hadn't spotted what you pointed about, but I just saw a spec of light green on one of the leaves and squidged it. Now I need to find a good way to get rid of them, any suggestions?
Pest solution for Aphids and whitefly.
This one worked pretty well for me.

20 mL 35% hydrogen peroxide
30 mL Listerine mouth wash (Use only the yellow colored mouth wash)
2 mL dish soap
1 Liter of water.
Mix these ingredients up and put them in a sprayer.
Shake the sprayer so that the mixture is just slightly frothy.
Spray over and under leaves especially on new leaves.
Sometimes I add some fermented garlic, ginger and pepper to mixture.
Hope this helps :)
Mix 7 1/2 ml of neem to 7 1/2 ml of ivory soap or Murphy's soap to 1 qt of warm water spray plants good both sides of leaves spray every two days for two weeks will take care of adult and new babies. don't use detergent as it will burn plants. works for me