I ordered several exotic strains of pepper this year. Purple Jalapeno, Purple Ghost, Red habanero, and caroliona reaper to be specific. I have planted 3 different runs in the past month, using about 50 red hab, 30 purple ghost, 10 purple jalapeno, 10 carolina reaper respectively.... Now here is the kicker, I have only had 2 red hab, and 1 purple ghost actually germinate! I have 10 years on and off experience with gardening, and this is my fourth year doing a large variety of peppers. This is the first time I have EVER had an issue with germination. I always either sow directly into soil in red solo cups, in a tray with 1/4 inch of water to keep the soil moist, or directly into my beds, and I never have any issues. This year it is too early to sow into beds, but I wanted to get ahead of the game a little bit to bump up my yield and pepper size. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, because I only have enough seeds to try this one more time, and I do not want this time, money, and effort to be in vain.