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Professional Pepper Pics... Name those peppers, which pics do you prefer

I had a friend photo these peppers through a glass table with white towel and reflector white sheets, and a bounce flash underneath.

Here is a link to the pictures:

There are 21 photos in all.

For a business logo, which one would you choose, remember the peppers can be placed onto any background.

Would you leave them as is in the pictures, or would you isolate and then combine some of them digitally ?

I like #13, #5, #6, in that order from highest to lowest

I would like you to ID the peppers on #21 if you would please, those little tiny hooked shaped ones I haven't a clue about.

Any others you care to ID or cross verify would be fine as well.


Wait a minute, something is wrong with the order and naming of the pictures. I meant the 5th picture, named only AM6F7220 while some pics have a second name with a number but that doesn't correspond to the order they are presented in.