Professional rule trackers

Reading up on the new food safety laws for when we exceed exemptions.  Googling it made advertisements for the strangest things start showing up here and there.  Did you know there are companies whose only job is making sure you comply with all the laws?  Think on that for a bit, the laws are so many and so complex that there are businesses that all they do is explain them to you.

Does this alarm anyone else?  Shouldt laws be understandable by the average person?
OSHA requires monthy safety meetings,  there are companies that make and sell monthly safety meetings plans/itineraries.
Salsalady, yep OSHA is a great example cause I know a machine shop that went under because they did not have those little rubber bumpy things on some bolt ends during an inspection.  It was like the third time, but someone kept taking them off.  Scary stuff.  Maybe fines should be based on income so it doesnt destroy business.
Lucky Dog, just looking into labeling requirements makes me understand why folk would rely on the copacking / label creating services.  Me, I would want to put a label on it like: Probably no nutritional value cause it is hot sauce. 