Promix USM vs. PGX vs. FPX

Hi folks,

I had a great season this year, and I will be posting pictures of my garden here soon. Thanks to everyone that traded/sent seeds!

Looking ahead to next year, I need to improve my seed germination rate. I made my own germination mix this year, but want to try a simple commercial solution next year.

I have looked for comparisons of the Promix starters, including BX, Ultimate Seeding Mix, PGX and FPX. BX is obviously more readily available than the others, but I can get ahold of any of them, so which have you all had the best success with? I know alot of people use BX with success, but there is not alot of reference to germinating with it. I can get a 16qt bag of the USM for $13 so if that has not been disasterous for anyone, I may take that option and give it a try.

Anyone want to chime in on experience with any of these? I would appreciate it, and it would be a good reference for beginners!

Thanks in advance,
I've never heard of the USM, but the PGX and FPX are designed for small cells or plug trays and it comes in compressed bales. I've had good success with the PGX in cells but its usually more expensive than the BX so I stick with that usually
I bought a 72 cell jiffy seed germinating kit that came with a heat mat and have gotten around 95% germination 2 years in a row. Including the hard to germinate bhut, and white habs. They start off in peat pucs and when they are about an 2" tall. Then I move them to small cups of pro-mix until they get about 6" then they go into pots of my custom mixed blend. Until they go into the larger containers they all get RO water. NEVER use tap or untreated water on seedlings.
I used the Ultimate Seeding Mix this year and got over 90% germination. Best ever for me. Looking at the BX though, they look the same and either would work just as well. Buying the BX in bulk would be a lot cheaper if you will use it to pot up into as well. 1 bale costs me about $40 and is enough to start all my seeds (about 200 in all for all peppers, tomatoes, herbs, etc.) as well as pot up to the 3.5" square pots, and probably a good bit left over. For comparison, the 12 qt bag of the seeding mix cost $13 and was just enough to start the seeds and a little left over.

I have only tried the Pro-Mix. Did not germinate seeds in it because I
had peat pellets. I potted up in the Pro-Mix. Next year I'm going to
try Sun Gro Sunshine Professional Growing Mix. The owner of the feed
and seed store told me it was the same thing. It is $7 cheaper. I get
the compressed bale.
Sunshine mix is OK but is usually full of sticks and roughage. Once you get spoiled with the good stuff, its hard to go back
All chili seeds need to germinate is water and warmth. That being said all I did to germinate my seeds this year is place my seeds on damp cotton balls in a black plastic container, put it on my modem router (for heat) and cover it with a book, to keep the light out and keep it humid. Once the seed formed a root I put it into a small container, cotton ball and all, with regular potting mix. Had great germination rates using this method. Very low cost too, which is always a bonus.
Thanks for the replies! I think I am going to order both and do an experiment to see which gives better results.

Making my own mix was cool and all, but it took time, and when seeds don't come up, its all the more frustrating. I am trying to eleiminate that variable, and make it easier on myself.

That being said, I am looking forward to posting pictures. After the low germination numbers, my plants loved the mix that I potted them up to! Best year for me yet! Again, thanks to everyone for the seeds and advice!