Primo, your real?

It's good to meet you sir. glad you came back to THP. The 7primo was one of my top5 most wanted seeds last year and I'm real happy to be growing it this year. Sounds like you've been away from the pepper world for awhile.. Well, I'm sure you have noticed alot has changed in the superhot world lol. if your interested in growing some of the new supers out there let me know this fall, I'd be glad to put a care package together.
To the whole community,
ALL of this entire thread is really just.. "talk" obviously but here's my questions on the whole primo deal. I have tried it personally, YES, it is freaking hot. Was it the hottest I've tried. No.. Obviously there's a million variables and factors involved in each pod, where it's grown, how, yadda yadda. Hypothetically speaking, if the HP22B is truely a 7primo, and possibly the new record holder..
1. Wouldn't there be a huge amount of people, and members of course, claiming it's one of the hottest pods they have tried? I've seen my share of people and members chile testing primos and I've yet to ever hear "It's the hottest pepper I've ever had" I've frequently heard/read that quote from people trying 5 different superhots, none of them being the 7pot primo.. Not saying it's not an amazing pepper at all, I just think if it happened to be world record breaking heat, we would have heard that quite a few times by now.
2. I too have seen Ed's FB page, read it, saw the photos, I've watched Ted try the pods on video, etc.. This is just my opinion of course, but the guy does not by any means seem like he's out to start a bunch of controversy. Nor does he seem like his ultimate goal in life is to be the record holder(like some growers I know) It could be all a front but really.. who does that? Especially in the chile community, sorry but there's just as much drama surrounding the ol' "who has the hottest!" as there is on Jersey Shore. It's pretty dumb if you ask me.
3. If it is infact a 7pod primo. Why would he name it something else when all you would have to do is a DNA test to find out if the guy is full of shit? I'm sorry but if I was Ed, or anyone shooting for the hottest, the last thing your gonna do is re-name a pre existing pepper, claim it to be yours, have your name printed on 5billion guiness books, all the while hoping that someone doesn't genetically prove your full of shit and you look like a complete jackass for the rest of your life.
4. I've seen 100s of photos of 7Primos grown in dozens of climates and states. I've seen a few dozen photos of the HP22B. Yes they do look similar. Along with 100s of other superhot varieties. Personally I've never seen a 7pod primo as bumpy and knarly looking as some of the HP22B pictures.
I'm not saying it isn't a primo, but if I had to make a bet.. My money would be on the fact that it is indeed.. Not the 7Pod Primo.
Just my 2 cents ladies n gents.