Promotion for HP22B

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Joe, other than talking to them, have you had a taste or even seen any of the pods they are talking about?...

The "secretive" thing is cool I suppose if it is supposed to hit the streets in March as you say...

a few questions long has this guy been growing peppers?...has he been growing peppers long enough to create 600 new varieties?....have the newly created varieties been stabalized?....that, as you know, takes a lot of generations and with that being said, even at 2 generations per year for 4 years (8 total generations) for 600 varieties...heck man, that's a total of 2400 growing years total...hope you understand my thinking...and if they guy has been working on these for even 30 years, that's 80 varieties a year he would have had to do...

that's the reason for my doubt...and I hope you understand....

It is easy to get caught up in the business about "new" varieties and "new record breaking" varieties, but I really don't see what all the fuss is about...OK, so there's a new bad ass kid on the block....who cares...I will still grow the varieties I have grown for years since I can't/won't eat them fresh off the vine anyway...but the sure do make a good seasoning powder and purees...I just plain don't want any hotter...
I am anxious to see how this plays out as well. So, to clarify, these guys have been growing and testing this new strain (the supposed "next one") for five years now? That is amazing since five years ago the Red Savina was still the Guinness record holder. I find it strange that anyone would spend all the time and money to "build" a pepper that would not only beat that, but also be able to beat the NEXT record holders two as well. That is some serious foresight.

I love how you use 'anxious' as if you are worried for them :D brilliant sarcasm .... I am also 'anxious' to see now that they have 'calibrated' their equipment whether their 'bollucks bhut' will actually be hotter then they thought it was , I am also 'anxious' that it will be so hot that when you cut into it it will simply melt with the knife and turn into a big pile of shite. :D this is brilliant I can't wait to try it and the 600 new varieties ... starting with the 'sucker punch serrano' .... this is so hot right now I almost can't contain myself ...
For some reason I have to wonder if either of the guys you are working with, Joe, go by the name Sterling Kaiser? That would be the only thing that could make this thread any more entertaining!
Who wants to bet that the seeds will sell for 24.99 for 10+ seeds, BUT they will come in a "Collection"....

I am following this because I want to be proven wrong. But c'mon Joe, you are a vendor and are only here to hype this thing. I understand that you think you are just "passing information", BUT this is 4 pages of plugs for your company. It is all about money, and I will grow the same stuff I could get for 4 bucks or a SASBE. I can't stomach spending more money on pepper seeds than a bottle of Jameson 16 year.

Like I said, I am a skeptic. It is literally impossible to build a pepper that will beat the next record, that is not even out yet. Unless you have a time machine.

Do your buddies have a time machine?
...has he been growing peppers long enough to create 600 new varieties?....have the newly created varieties been stabalized?....that, as you know, takes a lot of generations and with that being said, even at 2 generations per year for 4 years (8 total generations) for 600 varieties...

Not to mention it sounds like they are being quite selective... its what? 16 plants minimum when selecting for a single gene change? 2400 grow "years" coupled with the minimum number of varieties and we are talking tens of thousands of plants... tens of thousands of pots, thousands of yards of soil, scores of hours each week in maintenance. Seems like it would have to be your full time job for years in order to make 600 varieties. Also why then do they not market or sell them? or share them? Why is it that you - not they - are sharing the information with the chilihead community?

I'm working on a hybrid, and when I'm done, I'll be posting pictures, and getting people as excited as I am about it.

What motivates someone to make 600 varieties?
Patrick, they want the SEED GUYS to document the Calibration of THEIR equipment.
Again, passing along information.
Man, some folks are always looking for a conspiracy theory.
I remember last year a few of you thought Regal Seeds was a secretly owned Pepper Joe company down in florida.
One guy was even going drive over to 'Spy' on this place.
Man, the posts were flying..."was the location "Pepper Joe Lane", was it "connected to my Test Gardens in Fort Myers Florida".
I was howling at the implications
The confusion was that the owner of Regal Seeds plagiarized a lot of content from my website.
I made it loud and clear to Regal to fix it and make it known here exactly what happened.
The poor guy came on this forum and fessed up to what happened.
The peculiar thing is got real quiet after that.
Nobody came forward and said they were wrong, or corrected any accusations.
I'll be real interested to see what some of you have to say when the next Worlds Hottest Pepper comes from these two guys I'm working with.
My will get real quiet again...or you can pick apart one tiny little part of their story when it hits the presses and challenge it.
It is SO easy to do that. It's a lot tougher taking on the challenge these two guys are taking on.
Back when I was in Corporate America for 39 years, when you screwed up, or you were dead wrong...or came off too strong to someone and then realized usually shook their hand and apolozized.
Hmmm... I'll be anxious to see how this plays out when the facts are presented.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P :dance:

Joe buddy ain't me asking about equipment calibration. If you'll back up a post or two you can read where I said I'll wait until it's over to start tossing out opinions.
Joe, just have them send me some seeds. I will certify the hotness and we can do a joint venture to sell seeds of this variety. Like a Sam's Club membership deal. :) I was once sent seeds from a very rare pepper from China colored yellow (C. chinense) that amazingly was said to grow peppers in the shape of a perfect heart. It was said to be extremely hot and have the distinct scent of licorice!! Perhaps this new pepper could be named HEARTBREAKER.

The only other person I know who grew this one was Smokemaster.


I tried for so many years to get that pepper Potawie. I even mailed people in China, but never got it. I always wondered it if was a legend.


What C. chinenses come from China, and how does his DNA testing tell him where they're from? I've only ever heard of YELLOW EMPEROR from China
Ah yes,Floridabeer's elusive ,very rare , Chinese Licorice.
Only place it used to grow is now under water in China.

Wally world sold them as Anahiems or red Chiles... :)
Hey Gang,
You are raising some good questions.
I'll try and get some answers. We're hopefully meeting in the next 2 weeks. I've made my schedule flexible so that when they're ready...I'm there.

Alabama Jack: How ya been buddy? Your question: "a few questions long has this guy been growing peppers?...has he been growing peppers long enough to create 600 new varieties?....have the newly created varieties been stabalized?...."
Good call out. I don't know if these varieties are stabilized. I doubt it after you point out it's 2400 growing years total. Wow. I'm compiling a list of questions for the next get together, and this will be one of them. I've never actuctually created a new variety or hybrid (like Jsschrstrcks has), so I'm kind of naive on this.
MY biggest questions are what peppers did this New Super Hot originate from? Can I get 50 seeds or so to test germination before I commit to buying a bulk quantity?

MGOLD86: "Who wants to bet that the seeds will sell for 24.99 for 10+ seeds, BUT they will come in a "Collection"....
I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But $25 bucks? NO way. I'm still pissed off at myself for paying $27 for the Moruga.
It wasn't the was the principal.
If I had to guess now I'd say $9 or $10. My Butch T Trinidad Scorpion is at $7.99 (and it's flying off the shelves) and all other Superhots are $6.99 or $7.99.
That's not the cheapest out there but in line with most others that I've looked at.
I may go a little higher on this next one because I hope to get an exclusive with a few other Seed Companies on these seeds.
But irregardless of supply and demand, I don't want to alienate my customer base by gouging them. Even if I could get $25...NO WAY am I going there. We're in this for the long haul.

Patrick: "Joe buddy ain't me asking about equipment calibration. If you'll back up a post or two you can read where I said I'll wait until it's over to start tossing out opinions"
SORRY Patrick. My mistake. That was Potawie, not you.

TheGhostPepperStore: "For some reason I have to wonder if either of the guys you are working with Joe, go by the name Sterling Kaiser?
Nope: But if I remember of their names was something like Bernie Madoff or something like that. Or Benedict Arnold...not real sure... :rofl:

Hey on a serious note I do appreciate this thread taking on a lighter note.
I've avoided saying "Don't shoot the messenger" because I was the guy that started this discussion and I was the guy passing on 3rd party information... so I thought I'd have to take my lumps.
But thanks for being more civil here.

Their group is meeting on Monday to start finalizing the name selection. The name they tossed at me during our lunch sucked. I gave them my frank opinion, they agreed and they came up with two stronger possibilities. Time for some fun now...they're leaning towards C. or C. C. and A. Both abbreviations of course. But this will validate for you down the road that I was involved on the ground floor level. I tossed a name at them that I liked much better. It's G. R. One of the partners liked my name better...and is pushing it on Monday. BTW...if for some reason they go back to the name I didn't like, it's S. E.
Sorry about the intrigue, but there is a breach of confidentiality issue involved. :shame:
I gotta tell you, if it's G. R. that would be a rush naming the new Champ.

Hey, maybe I should run a big contest and give away a bunch of free seeds with a bunch of winners for the "Most creative name recommendations".

Fiery Regards,
Pepepr Joe's
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
Why don't you name it after the parent plants or give it a name that has to do with its origin, flavor, appearance etc. rather than just trying to come up with a gimmicky marketing name
^^ If you do decide to run a contest... here are my suggestions :P
1. AssBurner (A)
2. Suicidal Evolution (S.E)
3. Great Rapist (G.R) or Gold Rush (G.R)

hehe (hope I win a few seeds.. lol )

But to get on to the original discussion, I think its good that you are sharing this information with us and letting us know that you are just a messenger. I still think $8 is really high especially if you are in this community where everyone is mostly sharing their seeds ( well on the other hand, I agree if people want it in large quantities you could attach a price to that).

What I really don't understand, if they have over 600 different varieties, they could have gone public themselves without your help (especially, the way you put it, it sounds like they are really big and could/can do it on their own). Also, I'm sure they would be more active people from that group, who would also be in this forums and the other forums (well unless if they dont know how to use the forums).

The things that you are doing for the community is great, but these issues just give me the chills onto where its heading...
For some reason I can't keep myself from responding to this.

Pepperjoe, no offense intended, but I think the joke is on you. With your "experience" you should have been tipped off by the whole China thing, that this is BS.....

I recommend doing some reading and research on Capsicum natural history.

I wish the record would only be allowed for land race or heirloom varieties, so we wouldn't get polluted by this kind of "stuff" all of the time.

Maybe this is a joke and I still don't get it?

China! C'mon......seriously.....

Someone please let me know if this is a joke because I really can't tell, and I don't want to make offense to anyone either way, but when someone is going the wrong direction I think it is a responsibility for us to correct them, so that error and misconception does not spread to the naive.
Apology accepted PJoe.

Chuck I mostly agree with you but I do see part of the point. Money baby. He who has exclusive or semi exclusive rights to the new champ is going to sell a lot of seeds, most of them to folks who don't usually grow them, just for the novelty. There will be some folks who grow every year that will buy them and probably a few more varieties to make shipping costs worthwhile. The windfall will be short lived though. There are too many cool folks around here who will grow it and make seeds available to the rest of the growing community. Man I love SASBE's!!
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